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STEPHANIE COLE STOOD ON THE staircase of the house holding a laundry basket over her stomach.

"god guys that shit is absolute cancer." she laughs to the three boys who sat watching mukbangs.

"hey it's interesting." nick looks to her.

"it's not at all."

stevie stated while placing the laundry basket on the table, revealing her very large stomach.

"hey easy, your carrying my kid." chris walks up to her while rubbing the stomach.

"get your kid out of me then." stevie stated holding her back.

"doctor says any week now." matt grins.


"petrified." the girl answered setting herself down on the couch with a huff.

"oh come on sweetheart." chris giggles.

"we got a appointment." he pulls her up.

"matt can you drive us?" she asks.

"yo can drive you know."

"yeah but i'm eight fucking months pregnant get your scrawny ass up now!" and with that he was starting the car, nick tagging along.

"jesus." they all run out to open her door once arriving.

"oh lord guys, i'm pregnant with a kid not the fucking queen of england." she scoffs.

chris and stevie go into the room, get, they were getting the results of the sex today.

"let me help you down." chris stated trying to carry stevie from off the chair, clearly struggling.

"you know what we'll just sit." he mumbles jumping next to her.

the doctor turns to them.

"this is an interesting sonagram." the doctor smiles to them.

"boy it's a boy!" chris starts clapping and running up and down.

"we'll name him uh we'll name him christopher jr, how's his hair tell me is it cute." chris asks her giddily.

stevie sighs rubbing her brows.

"i'm not saying it's a girl." the lady makes clear.

"oh then it's a girl." a smile grows.

"christina jr." he nods his head.

"i-i didn't say it was a girl." the doctor stated.

chris furrows his brows.

"what's left?" his voice asks.

"all we wanna know is if the baby is healthy." stevie tells.

"don't worry darling."

"you don't smoke you don't drink your doing everything right." she smiles.

"the babies will be just fine." the doctor finished her statement.

"see that chrissy the babies will be just fine now let's go!" stevie runs to the door opening it but chris didn't follow her out.

"did you say babies?" christopher looked to the doctor absolutely horrified.

"did she say babies?" stevie runs back also absolutely horrified.


"that's what i said your having triplets." the doctor informed them with a grin.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑,,Chris sturniolo  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now