59 | issues and fear

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STEPHANIE COLE SAT on the couch in her bedroom while reading her book.

her eyes skimming the pages and fingers grazing the corners.

"stevie uh-" chris walks in but pauses seeing her cross legged with the book in her hands.

he looks at her and he just loves her, and it terrifies him, it terrifies him what he would do for her.

"chris?" stevies soft voice cancels his brain out.

"mhm?" his head lifts up.

"what did you want?"

his eyes look around the room seeing the bright colors, posters and book pages stuck everywhere, but when he walks in he sees her first.

"oh well, uh." he itch's the back of his head.

"i just wanted to tell you that i finished the book you told me to read." he walks up sitting next to her and handing the girl the book that wrote, 'the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.'

"did you know." she smirks grazing his finger as she reaches for the book in his hand.

"you like it?"

"it got kinda boring in the end." he mumbles rubbing his eyes.

"really?" her brows furrowed going through the pages.

"you expressed it." she giggles looking at the annotations written in the margins.

"you wanna read little women with me?" her questions ring through his ears.

he sniffed, he didn't want to read with her, he wanted to kiss her lips and smile through the kisses, but this was the closest he gets.


minutes go by.

"are you done?" she asks the boy done reading the page.

"one second." he grumbles putting his finger up to the line.

she giggles gently.

"are you laughing at me?" his eyes squint.

"no." she giggles.

"i think you are." his brows raise letting out a scoff.

"alright i'm sorry i wont laugh." she pretends to zip her lips.

"are you done." he shook his head.

she burst out laughing.

"i knew it!" he jumps on top of her making her squeal.

"stop!" her giggles and wheezes as his fingers skimmed her neck and stomach.

"chris!" she couldn't breath, her face turned read with the cackles.

kind of a pretty girl, isnt she?

"dude you gotta quit it!" her laugh stops as she heaves for her.

"alright alright!" chris's hands reach in the air as she holds her stomach.

"you are a son of a bitch." she wipes the tears falling from her eyes.

he has a whole universe in his mind, and stevie cole was the center of it.

the next hour goes by.

"and i feel for atlas dont you? he has such a kind heart! i mean he loves lily so much it breaks me." chris wasnt listening to her rant, he was too busy studying her, the shape her lips make when she talks about this, or the way her eyes looked like a big blue ocean.

she talked about books with so much passion, that he wanted to be nothing but the character she had so insanely fallen in love with.

"you look so much like an linda oh my gosh." stevie covers her face with giggles as the boy groans.

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