81 | stop!

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STEPHANIE COLE DIDNT know a lot about life.

she didn't know why kanye west ruined taylor's first award, she didn't know why orange the fruit and orange the color don't have different names. she didn't know why trev has a whole garden yet he still pees in her room, she didn't know how bluetooth worked nor didnt she know how dreams did either.

moral of the story is that stevie cole didn't know anything, but one small thing she doesn't know is that, she misses him.

she missed him far too much and it killed her.

the girl was head over heels for the guy that dropped her heart like it was glass.

the doorbell rang throughout the whole house.

"i'll get it!" she screams running to the wood, fixing her hair and makeup softly.

springing the door open and there stood a figment of her worst intention.

"hey." christian smiles.

"hi!" she jumps giving him a hug the kid hugging her back.

"it's nice to meet you." stevie looks at him.

the two had been talking for a while turns out he lives in boston so they decided to meet up.

"it's nice to meet you too." the boy grins happily his small mustache corking up.

that's the one thing stevie didn't really like.

the two talked in stevies room for a while.

"what? no way!" the girl screams.

"yeah i know." he shrugs giggling.

"i cant believe you haven't watched any marvel movie." stevie furrows her brows.

"i'm not into that stuff, i feel like i'm kinda different than other boys and who are obsessed." the teenager stated.

stephanie slightly scrunched his face at the cringe worthy statement.

"what's this." he asks.

"my phone." stevie says in a duh tone.

"yeah no shit but what's the wallpaper?" he grabs the device looking at the picture of the three baby triplets.

"hey!" she reaches her hand.

"wait!" he laughs.

"bro give it back!" she giggles stopping slightly when their faces were inches apart.

he slowly placed the phone down leaning in, until their lips were touching.

christian's hand goes up to her face as she feels his mustache poke her.


"uh stev-" christopher sturniolo walks in and cuts himself off at the sight.

the girl jumps from him clearing her throat and rubbing her lips with her finger.

"i- uh- um matt wants you." chris mumbles feeling his heart break.

"could you tell him to wait a minute." she stutters.

"he said it's urgent." the boy quipped at her.

"just one second." stevie replies.

"stevie, he wants you." chris sternly stated.

"yo dude she said she doesn't wanna go." christian looks to the teen.

embarrassing huh?

"i'm sorry?" chris turns his gaze.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑,,Chris sturniolo  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now