86 | mary lou

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"OKAY WAIT do i look at you guys, or do i look at that?" mary lou asks as the camera was set in the minivan.

"whoever's talking." matt informed her.

they play the intro.

"so uh as you can see, or as you know, we have a mother." nicolas informed the camera.

"well expect for stevie." chris giggles under his breath.

the whole car gasp.

"christopher!" mary lou screams as the three others cackle.

the camera cuts.

"so she's a mother of triplets, and a stevie." nic stated.

"so a lot of people have questions for a mother of triplets who are also kinda like forplets." the boy shrugs confused.

"i don't think forplet is a word." stevie furrows her brows.

"wait then what is it?" nic asks softly.

"okay anyway!" matt yells.

"today we're gonna be asking our mother, the mother of triplets and the auntie of a stevie, some uh questions." matthew smiles.

the camera cuts.

"alternative name ideas if you didn't choose these ones." nic reads off his phone.

"or! if we weren't, like if the three of us were all girls and stevie was a boy, what would you have named us," the boy reads the other part of the question.

"so i'll start with stevie cause she was the easiest to choose." mary lou points to the giddy girl.

"so me and lina, always wanted to name our kids something we both chose." she smiles.

"stevies name was going to be, josephine." that makes the kids look to one another.

"and we both liked the idea of nicknames so if stevie would have been josephine her nickname would've been joey." the mother informs.

"wait so tauntie loved the idea of giving stevie like a boy nickname." chris asks.

"yeah, okay so if stevie was a boy." mary lou cackles loudly.

"her name was gonna be steven." she stated.

"it's a confusing story on why we said that," she rambled.

"when we were teenagers a guy told us that lina was gonna have a boy named steven and i was gonna have a girl named i think it was christiana." mary lou quipped.

"and he said they were gonna be like those in love and get married and stuff." she smiles cutely.

the mom then talked about chris, matt and nic and there almost names.

"who got in trouble the most?" matt read out loud.

mary lou sighs.

"we'll none of you have ever really gotten in trouble." she says.

"like back then who got into the most time outs." chris stated while eating his fries.

"uh i might have to say stevie." mary lou rubs her chin.

"i knew it." matt and nic both say while laughing.

"but also stevie and chris together, that was like hell." she smirks making the girl and boy look to the other with grins.

"yeah, like stevie and chris kinda pushed it a little." the mom nods.

"like in general it was like these two, kinda the power duo," she smiles.

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