61 | always

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HE STILL tasted her cherry chapstick, he nevertheless smelt her fragrance, he felt her lips on his.

It became maintaining him hypnotized, in a trance, like she became a wizard and he became her mage.

"trev!" chris opens his door slightly at the dog who just got back from the beach.

"psst!" he hissed.

poor little trevor, he truly did not catch a break today.

the dog walks into the room with a small huff.

"i know stevie usually does this." chris mumbles the butterfly in him awaking at her name.

"but i gotta tell you something buddy." he shoots out.

"i kissed her last night." chris smacks his hand over his mouth with a gasp.

"trev why are you looking at me like i'm some kind of man whore?" chris gaps his mouth open matching his eyes.

"i know i kissed heather." chris winced at the memory.

"but- but you know that was the biggest mistake i've ever made." he grabs the dog and shaking him making the canine wobble with his tongue out.

"oh my god i cant believe i kissed heather." chris groans, "trev you know it was a mistake and i felt pressured to do it."

"i felt bad and she was already leaning in and i felt like i had to kiss her." the sturniolo looks to him.

"but you know it's stevie." chris softly stated, the dog corks his head up.

"it's always been stevie." trevor touched chris's palm which held a small watermelon jolly rancher in it.

the kid let out a laugh.

"it's always been stevie." it was like it snapped in his head as he repeated and the boy gulps.

"trev it's always been stevie." chris starts to widen his eyes.

"it's always been stevie." he repeated over again.

if trev could talk, an "okay we get it!" would come out of his mouth.

"it was stevie when we were taught about love, it was stevie when i first ever saw the color blue in a different way, it was stevie when i cried myself to sleep." chris swallows his saliva in fear.

"it's always been stevie." a slap placed itself on chris's forehead.

"of course it's always been stevie." he flops his back to his mattress.

"it's stevie."

chris sturniolo lays on his back.

relief, at the realization and then bam! fear!

"it's stevie!" he jumps from his bed waking the dog on his blanket.

"water. water. water." his hand waves around running down the stares and to the kitchen.

slamming the cup under the sink and downing the liquid like there was no tomorrow.

"chris." nics sly voice raises behind him.

christopher jumped and dropped the plastic cup into the sink turning around.

"god you scared me." his hands reach up to his chest.

"hm?" nics eyes squint.

"why where you so thirsty?" his voices asks.

chris looks around while bopping his adam's apple.

"i tried fasting today!" he clicks his fingers.

"what?" nic rolls his eyes.

"yeah, yeah, i'm uh fasting today, i wanted to try it out." he stutters while clicking his tongue.

"you ate mcdonald's today." nic gapes.

"what?!" chris screams pointing a finger at him.

"why would you ever accuse me of something like that?! what the fuck is wrong with you? cant a guy try telling his fans they aren't alone." chris looks at him with shame and anger.

"okay." nic slowly nods.

"alright i found stand by me, mean girls and-" stevie cole walks into the kitchen cds in her hand as she stopped talking once seeing the boys who's lips were on hers just the other night.


a confused nic.

a scared stevie.

and an in love chris.

"hi." she mumbles swiftly looking down to the floor and walking to the island seat.

"hi." chris lifts the side of his lips up, following her body.

"hi?" nic furrows his brows at the the two.

"hi." stevie nods.

"i want stand by me." nic slowly grabs the cd case from her fingers.

"yeah me too." she smiles.

"damn i'm like so thirsty." she throws her hands in the air while walking to the cupboard where chris stood.

"oh uh sorry." she mumbles stepping in front of him.

"sorry." he says at the same time.

the two moved to the same side trying to make space for the other but instead they just got blocked again.

the two look up awkwardly chuckling and separating.

"suspicious." nic sturniolo rubs his chin eyes gazing at them.

H speaks!



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