60 | trevor and the secret

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she wasn't okay, i mean who would be after kissing their all time best friend.

"trev!" her head peeks out her room to the dog that laid in the corridor.

"psst!" she hisses making his head turn.

"come here." the dog waltz's into the room.

"you will never believe what happened." she grabs him and placed him softly on the bed, as she sat down cross legged.

"trevor don't freak out." stevie tells him as the dog just lazily stared at her.


her eyes scan the room.

"chris kissed me last night." she whispers at the animal who honestly and seriously didn't know what was happening.

"i said don't freak out!" she yells at him with wide eyes.

again, he just stares at her.

"i don't know how it happened." she reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear while gulping.

"what do i do?" stevie shivers.

"i seriously don't know what to do." her heart pounds as the dog says nothing.

"trev he kissed me, i didn't kiss him, he kissed me!" she yells.

"it's like crazy, but i wanna cry." her voice spoke to the now half asleep trevor.

"what should i do? do i tell him i like him? or maybe ignore that it even happened." she scratches her head with a confused look.

"but i swear to god trevor sturniolo cole, if you even utter one single word to any of the boys." she warns while winding her iris's.

"now don't think i forgot about the whole heather fiasco." she taps his nose in disbelief.

"maybe i should not tell him." stevie then quickly added.

"because this was last night and he hasn't even talked to me yet." she gulps softly.

"your right." stevie mumbles.

"i should just go to the beach and clear my mind."

walking down the stairs with trevor on a leash she rushed past chris's room feeling her heart literally beat faster than light at the sight.

"hey stevie." all three boys sat in the living room and once stephanie coles eyes met with christopher sturniolo's, time had stopped.

and then she realized in the moment, the rest of the world was black and white, but they were in screaming colors.

"hi." she chokes out holding her chest slowly.

"where you going." matt asks.

"beach." she turns her gaze away from the boy who's cheeks turned as red as hers.

nicolas sturniolo looks to the two with squinted eyes and confused look.

"interesting." nic mumbles under his breath reaching his hand and plays with his chin.

"in your pajamas?" nic questions slowly.

"mhm." she nods gulping.

"why?" the oldest triplets brow corks.

"i-" her breathing quickens at chris who looks to her with those big blue eyes, if she could, she would only ever see the world in that shade of blue.

"i-i need to clear my mind." everyone could tell that the girl seriously could not talk.

"okay." matthew stated slowly.

she nods holding the leash tighter and her eyes snapping to a box on the table.

"wait no way." she smiles softly.

"they sell only watermelon flavored jolly ranchers?" she grabs one of the pink candies.

"yeah, chris bought like five bags of them." nic giggles, it not clicking.

stevie averts her eyes to him, she could fall into a puddle of tears.

the boy stares at her with a small grin.

"if you wanna clear your mind maybe go for a jog." matt breaks their eye contact.

"this isn't a time for jokes matt." her head snaps to him with a scoff.

stepping out the house but quickly running back in and snatching the bag of jolly ranchers giggling innocently at the boys.

chris just watched her with his mouth agape and eyes admiring everything about the way she walks, the way she giggles and the way she is.

nic sturniolo looks to him raising his sitting position.

"even more interesting." nics finger rubs his chin while humming.

stevie cole walked out the house the leash in her hand, a hairtie in her hair, and chris sturniolo in her mind.

"oh don't look at me like that." stevie side eyes the dog who sat on the seat next to her.

"it was awkward wasn't it?" she gulps.

"maybe he regrets it?" she steers the wheel while letting out a sigh.

"maybe he doesn't like me." her eyes wander.

stephanie and trevor where now sat in the warm beach as the sun begins to set.

stevies eyes set on the beautiful sun that gilded with the color of pink and purple around it, making her smile.

this was like heaven, the smell of the saltwater filling her nostrils, the warm hoodie she had on, the bag of jolly ranchers next to her, her favorite dog sleeping on her lap, now all she needed was her favorite boy sleeping on the other.

she wasn't sad, she wasn't happy either.

the boy she's been in love with kissed her back, but in the other hand her best friend since they were babies kissed her.

"what do i do?" her voice mumbles softly.

the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the waves splashing to the surface and stevie begged god to make the water scoop her up into the ocean and take her to a place where she forgot christopher sturniolo even existed, because then she could hear someone say his name, and she wouldn't smile.

oh but chris was too perfect. the most perfect you could be. his smile and his laugh, his eyes and those eyebrows, his hands and his chest.

his everything.

how in love stevie cole was with him.

the girls nose sniffs as her face scrunched up and her head fell to her knees.

she thought of his eyes, his eyes looked like coming home.

out of all the people in the world, she wasn't so different to be honest.

she was just another wide eyed girl who was desperately in love with him.

H speaks!
cant wait for u guys to read chrissy boys pov....

ALSOOOOO guys be fr, should i make this a sad ending???


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