Chapter 2

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"Clay?" drista wakes me up, "mhm?" i say with eyes closed. "can you drive me to school? mom and dad are already at work." she asks me.

"yeah, give me a minute." i say while rubbing my eyes. "I'm late-" she tells me, "ugh. get in the car." i say as i get up.

we get inside the car, drista turns the music on and i start to drive. we drive about 27 minutes until we reaches the school.

"Thanks clay! bye see you!" she says after giving me a kiss on the cheek. "see you, be careful!" i shout after her.

i wait until she gets inside and then start to drive home. Luckily i have the house for me today.

I sit myself on the couch as soon as i get inside, turn the Tv on and watch prison break

I got myself some chips, chocolate, ice cream and start to eat, while watching the show. I eat without thinking, looking or even knowing that i'm eating.

eating and eating, not stopping, mixing everything together.

until i suddenly feel myself wanting to throw up, at first i thought it was just the thought of throwing up and continued to eat.

But the vomit comes out of nowhere, out of my mouth, all over the floor. and it didn't stop, i let myself knee down as i throw up.

my eyes getting wet, breathing getting harder and my hearing getting worser. I try to catch breath, but it doesn't work. It's like there's no air in the room to breath.

my eyes starting to go black and everything starts to move. tears falling down and spit rolling down my mouth, while i try to catch air.

i start to hit my chest, but it didn't help. it did nothing. I slowly try to get myself up, but i fell down again as soon as i got up.

suddenly i catch air.

I can breathe again.

I start to breath in and out, very fast, while laying myself on the ground. After a few minutes of laying i sit myself up.

I look at the food and feel myself getting sick again, i quickly grab the food and throw it in the thrash.

Then i turn the tv off and make my way to my room, after cleaning up. I sit myself down on my chair, take a pen and a paper out of my drawer.

hi George,

I almost died a few minutes ago haha.

I stop and stare at his name.


The name is so beautiful, but not as beautiful as the person.. my person, my George.

I feel my eyes getting filled with tears, as i keep looking at his name.

i miss you.
please come back.. please... I'll be different, i won't do things you don't want me to do.

I really miss you George.
I love you.
I wanna see you and hug you, kiss you and feel your love.

I'm crying haha.
I'm crying because i'm missing you, i wanna hear your voice, your laugh.. your adorable laugh.

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