Chapter 14

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Dream POV

i slowly open my eyes, because of the sun shining in my faces. even tho i just went to sleep, i'm not tried anymore.

i look a little down and see George's head on my chest. i move a little, to see his face, and see that his eyes are a little swollen.

i don't think he really cried because he was 'scared'. i'm not sure why, but definitely not because he was scared.

we watched much worser movies and he wasn't scared. i think he cried, because i didn't give him enough attention yesterday.

maybe also because he saw Lina over me, he definitely got jealous because of that. he knows that we are just friends, but who wouldn't get jealous to see his boyfriend like that?

i slowly move George away and stand up, i walk to the bathroom and start to brush my teeth. then i walk out of my room, to the kitchen.

i see that Lina is already making food. "Good Morning Clay." she says with a smile, "morning. you didn't have to cook." i say.

"don't worry. i like cooking and i always wake up early, so it's not a big deal." she says as she places a plate in front of me.

"pancakes?" i say, "yeah? don't you like them? i can make something else." she says "no, it's just that the last time i ate pancakes, was when i was at my moms." I tell her.

she just laughs a little. I start to eat very slowly and very tiny pieces, trying not to get the throw up feeling.

it did get a little better. when i eat slowly and not too much, i don't throw up. but i can't tell when it's too much.

George and Sapnap already know. of course they know, since we live together it became obvious that I've an eating disorder.

but they kinda helped me, it's working sometimes. but sometimes i throw up after eating the smallest thing.

"I'm full." i say, i didn't eat much, not even one pancake. "you ate nothing." she says "i can't eat in the morning, sorry." i say.

"George will eat them." i say, "it's alright." she says with a smile. then sapnap comes in the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

"good morning guys." he says as he sits himself next to me down, "morning." Lina and I say at the same time.

"you made pancakes? wow." sap says, "yep." Lina says while putting some in front of sapnap. "George probably won't wake up until 12pm, so you don't need to make more." i say.

"you sure?" she says and i nod. "lets go to the zoo today." sapnap says while eating his pancakes.

Lina also sits herself down, next to me, and starts eating her pancakes. "yeah, sure why not." i say and look to Lina.

"it's okay with me." she says, "alright. George probably don't wanna come, but we gonna drag him with us!" i say.

"poor George." Lina says "what! why?" sap asks "he has to deal with you guys the whole time. If he doesn't wanna do something, you guys forces him to do it." she laughs.

"who cares. George needs to do stuff, otherwise his life will stay this boring." sapnap say, i look at sapnap "when is Karl gonna come?" i ask.

"in three days." he tell me "Karl?" Lina says confused "oh, you still haven't seen him. Karl is sapnaps boyfriend, he lives in North Carolina." I tell her.

"even this annoying thing has a boyfriend and i don't?" she says disappointed, "annoying thing?!" sapnap says loud.

i laugh at that. "yes, you are annoying!" Lina laughs "and you are ugly, that's why you don't have a boyfriend!" sap says.

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