Chapter 13

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i wake up because of the sounds that are coming from sapnap. i turn around to face George but he's not laying next to me.

right, we had a fight.

i walk out of the bedroom, into the living room where Sapnap and George are already sitting. "morning guys." i say as i sit myself next to sap.

"morning." sapnap says, i look at George but he doesn't look back. "morning George." i say a bit louder.

"sap, look! Minigolf, lets go there!" George says to sapnap. He's ignoring me. "you seriously gonna ignore me now?" i say.

"what happened this time?" sapnap asks after letting out a sigh, "fine. then don't talk. Finally nobody has to hear your annoying voice." i say, ignoring sapnap, as i get up and walk away.

i grab my phone and slam the front door as i walk outside. i walk to Central Park, it's early but people are still around.

i sit myself down on a bench, throw my head back and stare at the dark sky. you can see some stars, but it's still hard to see them.

I always asked myself how many stars there are.

as a kid i started to count them. every time i landed on hundred, i touched my index finger and my thumb, on two hundred it was my thumb and middle finger.

i pull phone out and start to search for 'Lina:)'.
First i just wanted to text her, but now I think i should call her.


"Clay?" she says with a sleepy voice, "shit, did i wake you up?" i laugh a little. "yea, but it's alright. how are you?" she asks me.

"i'm alright and you?" i ask her back, "same." she yawns "did something happened since I've moved away?" i ask her.

"no, sadly not. It's really boring in the club now and the drinks are bad." she laughs, "looks like i have to come back!" i laugh.

"yea." she says with a calming voice, "i had a fight with George." i tell her "oh. why did you guys fight?" she asks me.

"we were in a club and some dude was flirting with him and he was provoking me. so i started a fight, then George got mad at me for fighting and is ignoring me now." i explain it to her.

"Clay, Clay, Clay.. what can we do with you, you bad boy." she laughs a little, "i would say you apologise to him and buy him something." she says.

"but i don't wanna apologize! i did nothing wrong, he's the one that should apologize! we are fighting a lot lately and i am always the one who apologises." i tell her.

"someone needs to apologize." she says, "well i'm not the one!" i say. she laughs a little at that, but then stays quiet.

"i really miss you." she says out of nowhere, "me too. i'll come and visit you some day." i say "you better do!" she laughs.

and we stay in silence again, in comfortable silence.

i like being with Lina, she makes me laugh and feel comfortable. I wish she was here now, it would be easier to talk.

"i think you should apologise. you started the fight and made him worry." she says out of nowhere, "but-!" I start.

"no 'buts'! this time it's your fault, so you should apologise." she says "ugh. you are so annoying!" i say, "i love you too!" she laughs.

"oh shut up!" i laugh. we stay in silence again, until i break it. "i'm sorry for calling you at this time. I'll go back home, thank you for helping me." i say.

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