Chapter 10

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"Hey, can we stay at your place?" sapnap ask dream "yeah, sure. if you guys want to." dream says to us.

but i just ignore it, "George?" sapnap says "yeah?" i say "are you going to answer dream?" he asks me.

"no." i say as i turn my head away, "huh?" sapnap makes. "are you angry because i screamed at you?" dream laughs.

but i ignore him.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to scream at you." dream apologizes, a little smirk appears on my face.

"anddd??" i say "and? uh, you were right, it could've been a trick." he says as he starts to park the car.

"okay, I'll stay." i say, "lets go!" sapnap screams as we get out of the car. we make our way inside and see that we are completely alone.

"I'll shower first!" dream says while going upstairs, "I'm gonna go and shower in my house and then I'm gonna come back." sapnap says to me.

i give him a nod and make my way upstairs to dreams room. "Where sapnap?" he asks me "showering at home." i answer.

"oh, right. you can borrow my clothes again." he says "alright, thanks." I says. then dream walk out to go and take a shower.

i get up and start to explore his room, he got many book. i start to look at some of them, until one of them has letters inside it.

i sit myself down with the letters. these are a lot of letters. I open one of them and see 'dear George' at the beginning.

these letters are for me?

'dear George,

i miss you, it's been 257days since you fucking left without saying anything.
i hate you for that you know.. i wanna hear your laugh again.

i would do anything to get you back as my best friend or even more. you'll never read these letters, but when i write these letters, it feels like i'm sending these words to your mind.

so if you can "hear" theses words, then i want you to know that i love you.


i feel my heart beating faster and my face getting warmer, i also hear dream getting out of the shower.

i quickly put the letters back before dream could see them, then i sit myself down and start to look on my phone.

"you can go, I'll leave the clothes in front the door." dream tells me, "alright thanks." i say, make my way to the bathroom and start to take a shower.

is he meaning it in a romantic way or is it just like a friend? what if he do like me, what should i do then?

do i still like him? my heart still beats like a few years ago, but does that mean that I'm still in love with him?

I thought i got over him or was i wrong? even if we become a couple, what would his family say?

what if they don't want him to date a guy, then we can't be together. or even worse, what if they start to beat him up for liking a guy??

"George?" dreams voice appears, "yeah?" I say.
"sapnap's mom isn't letting him stay here. the clothes are in front the door, i'm waiting. alright?" he says.

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