Chapter 12

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George and i are dating for about three months now. the dream team moved together to New York and it's really nice together.

the only thing that is bothering me, is that George and i are fighting a lot lately, over the smallest things.

I've seen George's cuts, but i still didn't say anything. I wanted to wait for him to tell me or to talk about it, whenever he wants to..

but the cuts are getting more and more each time i accidentally see them. I wanna talk with him about it, try to help him, but i also don't wanna make him feel uncomfortable.

i'm sure it's not easy for him, but if he doesn't get the help he need..

right now it's 2am, George and I are laying in bed and George is watching tiktok. It's just us in the house, sapnap is with punz.

should i ask him now about it? Is it the right time? I mean i need to talk to him if i want him to get better.

"George." i say as i turn around to him, "hm?" he makes, not looking away from his phone. "can we talk?" i say.

it's dark, but you still can see something.

"sure. what do you wanna talk about?" he asks me, "it's something important." i say. he looks at me, turns his phone off and turns around to face me.

I slowly take his hand and look him in the eyes.
"are you okay?" i ask, "yes, why wouldn't i?" he says confused.

i take a deep, quiet, breath and look at him.
"George, I've seen your arm." i say. his eyes wide a little, but he doesn't say anything.

"i don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable, but i also don't wanna leave you alone with this." i say, putting my hands on his face.

but he pushes them away.
"why would you say something like that? I am fine, i don't even know what you mean with my arm." he says as he moves away.

"George, it's me. why are you so closed? you can talk with me, about everything." i say. "it's none of your business what i do!" he says, getting angry.

"Of course it is!" i start "you are my boyfriend and you are not okay! Of course it's my business to take a care of you." i tell him.

"it's not." he says "i know that with your arm since the day i took you to the bar. I wanted to wait for you to talk, but you didn't and your arm is starting to get worser. I'm fucking worried, don't you get it?" i say to him.

"I don't wanna talk about it with you!" he says loud, "with who then?!" i say raising my voice. "None!" he shouts.

"I just wanna help you!" i say, he gets up and walks to the door. "I. Don't. Need. Help! Fuck off!" he shouts and leaves the room.

you can't even talk to him, oh my god!

I walk out and see him walking to the living room. "I am your fucking boyfriend! I wanna know what wrong is and i wanna help you!" I shout at him.

"Nothing is wrong! I am fine, don't you fucking get it inside your stupid head!" he screams, "you fucking cut yourself, of course you are not okay!" i say.

"just fucking leave me alone!" he screams, "first tell me what wrong is!" I say.

he throws his pillow to the ground and starts to come closer to me. "you really wanna fucking now what happened! you really think you are going to take it and not be disgusted by that!" he says.

"alright, I'm gonna fucking tell you!" he screams with anger.

"my dad fucking raped me!"

"i was a child. I wasn't allowed to talk to any boys or girls, because he didn't want me to fall in love. If i would've broken these rules he would've killed my mother and me!" he tells me.

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