Chapter 17

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"just be quiet, okay?" he says and turns his back to me. "I am really sorry, i know-" i start but he cuts me off.

"please, just shut up! you are annoying me! i don't wanna hear your stupid excuses, alright?" he says angry to me, as he looks at me.

i stare at him, until he turns around. I sigh, but stand up and walk out of our room, but Lina stands before our door.

her eyes red and her cheeks wet from her tears. "did something happen?" she asks me "no, nothing happened. lets go and watch something." i say as i close the door and start walking to the living room.

we sit down on the couch and i put on a comedy film. Karl and Sapnap are already sleeping, because Karl is tried.

i feel Lina's eyes on me, so i turn around and she looks directly into my eyes. "is something?" i ask.

she suddenly lays her hand on mine, i look confused at her, she says nothing but comes closer.

"wow. what are you doing?" i say as i push her away "Clay." she says "i fell in love with you." she says, not looking away from my eyes.


"what?" i say confused, but she just looks at me and says nothing. "you know that George is the only one i love. I only see you as a friend.. and i thought you do the same." i say.

"i'm sorry. it's just that, you are the only one that really cared about me.. you showed me love and you were there for me when i needed you." she tells me.

"Lina, i did that because you are my friend." i say "you don't have any feelings for me? not even a little bit?" she asks.

"no, I'm sorry." i say, she looks at me while tears fill her eyes up. "no need to cry! you'll find someone that loves you." i say, as i put my hand on her shoulder.

"i hope i'll find someone that loves me as much as you love George." she says as more tears roll down her face.

"you'll don't worry." i say as i hug her and she hugs me back. "I'm going back tomorrow, because of my parents." she tells me as we break the hug.

"we are still friends, right?" she asks me "of course! you are like my little sister." i laugh, "ow. sibling zone." she laughs as she puts her hand on her heart.

"you can go back to George, the movie is boring." she says "it is. alright, good night." i say as i stand up and start to walk away.

"Clay!" she says, i turn around and look at her. "please don't tell George. I don't want him to hate me, i really like him." she says, "i won't." i say with a smile and walk back to my room.

i slowly open the door, close it, and make my way to bed. i lay myself down and stare at George's back head.

I support myself with my arm and look at his face. the pillow is wet, looks like he cried again. I kiss his cheeks and lay myself back down, i hug him from behind and stare at the wall.

should i tell him? i mean he's my boyfriend, but Lina don't want George to hate her. I don't think he'll hate her, but what if he will.

i need to be a better boyfriend, it's not gonna work like this. I am hurting George, i don't wanna hurt him.

suddenly George quickly sits himself up, he stays like this for a few seconds, looking at the wall without saying anything.

"dream!" he says panicking, as he looks around "I'm here George, what's wrong?" i ask as i grab his waist.

"did you hear that?" he asks me, i sit him down on my lap and look into his eyes, "hear what?" i ask.

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