Chapter 5

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It's been 2 weeks since i saw George the last time, maybe because i never went outside besides when i need to go to work.

Sapnap came two days ago. he's coming over today, to hang out with me. We planned to play video games and talk about him and Karl.

I'm happy for him, that he got his lover. the only sad thing is, that they live so far away from each other.

Suddenly i hear my garbage cans crashing together and i also hear... Sapnap? "what the fuck are you doing here?!" he screams.

I quickly run outside to my garbage cans and see Sapnap and George, George laying on the garbage cans while Sapnap stands in front of him.

"who said you could come here!" Sapnap screams again, but George stays quiet. "Talk you fucking idiot!" he screams at George and grabs him.

I quickly grab Sapnap and pull him away. "wow, what's going on here?" I ask Sapnap, "he makes me so mad, what is he doing here in your neighborhood?!" he says.

"he has a friend here." I say quiet looking George in the eyes, he looks tried and his eyes are red.

"and he doesn't want to be friends with us?! fucking rat, traitor." sapnap says to George.

"you can leave now, George." I say while looking cold at him, he quickly gets up and leaves.

"I missed you!" I say as i hug sapnap "me too!" he says as he hugs me back. I see from the side that George is looking at us.

I turn my head to him, but he quickly looks away and walks away. We break the hug and sapnap looks at George.

"Don't you dare to come near this house!" he screams after George. "enough." I say while laying a hand on his shoulder.

"he makes me so mad!" Sapnap tell me while going inside, "I know, he's George. He has always made you mad." I laugh.

"I can't believe i just saw him." he says while sitting himself down on my bed, "well you almost beat the shit out of him." I laugh again.

"yeah! If you wouldn't have pulled me away. maybe then he could think straight and be friends with us again." he tells me.

i just laugh, without saying anything.

Sapnap and i start to play video games while talking about him and Karl. There's not much to say.

they were in Disney land and skate boarded a lot. they also went a lot outside, just to chill and look at the view.

Sapnap stayed until i needed to go to work, cause he needed to leave because of his mom. yes, he also still lives with his family.

It was raining so I walked him home with an umbrella and then made my way to the club, with my headphones in my ears and my hand in my pocket.

Then i see a person laying on the bench, the person looks like George. I slowly walk to the person and it really is George.

He's all wet so i put my umbrella over him so that he doesn't get more wet, he also smells like drugs.

"George?" I shake him, trying to wake him up.
He's only wearing a t-shirt and his bandage that he has on his right arm, is slowly getting off.

I pull it off and my heart drops.. his right arm is covered by cuts, some are new some are old. I feel tears in my eyes, i quickly take off my hoodie and jacket and put it George on.

"George?" I try to wake him up again, he slowly opens his eyes and when he saw me, he sits himself up.

"It's just me, dream." I say to him, "put your umbrella away." he says trying to push the umbrella over me, but he's too weak.

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