Chapter 8

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"I think George was raped." i say to sapnap.

His eyes wide as he realizes what i just said.
"w-what?" he says shocked, "I'm not sure, i could be completely wrong. It also could be that someone almost raped him, but i think that it's in that way.." i tell him.

"how do you know? did he told you?" he asks me. "no, he said he's not ready to talk about anything. But tonight i ran over to George, because i wanted to know why he broke to contact. I threw him on the bed while i claimed on top of him and held his arms up, so that he couldn't really do something. He started to try to free himself, but he couldn't, he was too weak, as soon as i looked him in the eyes i saw fear and tears in his eyes. He kicked me and moved away, and that's when i kinda realized that something is wrong and not in the way i thought." I explain to sapnap.

"oh.." he makes looking at the ground, "you still don't wanna talk with him?" i ask him, he slowly looks up and then he starts to walk.

"lets go to our George." he says, i smile and walk besides him. But when he arrive, we see George walking away.

Sapnap quickly grabs him and pull him with us. "where do you think you're going? we still didn't had the boys night." he says pulling George inside.

I see a smile on George's face, but he tires to hide it. They walk inside my room and before sapnap closes the door he looks at me.

"it's just me and George, don't be jealous but I'll need him." he jokes, i just shake my head with a smile on my face and walk downstairs to the living room.

I lay myself down and slowly close my eyes. at first i see only black, nothing else. but then George appears in my view, he's wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt.

he's standing in a meadow full with beautiful flowers, but he's the prettiest. the wind going though his hair and the grass moving.

he slowly looks at me and starts to smile, i feel myself getting red.. but then the world and George start to melt, in black?

I look at the ground, but it also melts and i start to fall. I fall and fall, but everything stays dark.

suddenly i land inside a bathroom, i look up and see George again, blood coming out of his wrist while he lays there with closed eyes.

but this time there is something written on the ground with blood.. i move myself, so that i can read what it says.

'This is your fault dream, you let this happen.'

i quickly move away, but i feel a hand touching me. I look over and see George touching me, "Geo-" i start to get cut off.

"this is your faul." he starts to say over and over again, nonstop. I slowly start to walk backwards until i hit someone, i turn around and see George standing there again.

but he disappears, his voice stays. I'm in a dark room and there is written something with blood again.

'you couldn't save me! you let me die!' 

George voice reads it out loud, i turn around but don't see him. His sentence 'it's your fault' and 'you couldn't save me! you let me die!' are starting to mix with each other and multiple voices start saying it over and over again.

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