Chapter 19

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"it's cold!" George says as Lina puts something on his neck, "shut up! It needs to be covered." she laughs and starts to cover it.

"you are literally so stupid Clay. why would you do it now, when you are about to go to your parents." she says.

"it wasn't planned to visit my parents." i say "poor George. did he hurt you? should i hit him?" Lina asks George.

"yeah why not, hit him." George says "what! ow-" I scream as Lina kicks me. "you were supposed to be on my site.." i say.

"i like George more than you." Lina says "everyone does." George says, i just shake my head and laugh it off.

"alright, done!" she says, George walks over to the mirror and looks at it. "wow, you are good at this." he says, "thanks." she says with a smile.

"now get out of here, you guys stink!" she says "alright, alright!" i laugh and make my way to the door with George.

"i'll come later and hang out with you guys. but right now, i don't have time." she says, "alright, bye!" I say and leave with George.

"she really did a nice job." I say "yeah, she did." he says. we walk to my parents house and knock at the door.

drista opens the door, "Clay!" she says and hugs me "what's up loser?" i say. "Mom! Clay and George are here!" she screams.

"hey. how are you!" Drista says to George as they hug each other, "I'm alright, and you?" he asks back "I'm alright." she answers.

"Clay! Oh my god, I've missed you." my mom says as she hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"hey." i say, "and George, how are you?" she asks as she hugs him "I'm alright, how are you?" George asks her as he hugs her back.

"come inside. dad isn't here, he won't be home until next week." she tells us "that's alright." i say and sit down with George.

"you guys wanna drink something?" she asks "just some water for the two of us." i say "drista, come help me." she says.

"can you see something?" George asks me as he shows me his neck, "oh, shit! yes, it's so obviously!" i lie.

"no, fuck!" he says "it was just a joke, everything is alright." i laugh, he looks at me and then kicks me.

"ow! you're so mean." i say "shut up, idiot." he says. "how long are you guys gonna stay here?" she asks me.

"two days, then we'll go back." i tell her "that's nice, we'll do a lot of stuff." she says with a smile.

we talked for about an hour, then at 8pm we went outside to Lina. George wanted to shower and he said i should go and he would come after he showered.

"Lina! hey, what's up." i say as i hug her "hey, where's George?" she asks me "he's just taking a shower, then he comes." i tell her.

George POV

i walk outside and make my way to the spot where we wanted to meet. It's getting dark already, i hope they are waiting.

suddenly someone grabs me and pushes me against the wall, while covering my mouth. I open my eyes and my heart stops..

it's my dad.

i start to kick around, but it doesn't change anything. "you.. where were you my little boy?" he says as he kisses my neck.

i feel tears in my eyes, i try to free myself but he just pushes me more against the wall. "stop moving! you fucking freak!" he says and punches me in the stomach.

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