Chapter 16

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"the film is starting, everyone shut up!" dream scream-whispers to us. i laugh a little but focus on the film.

we are watching Host, it's about six friends that accidentally invite the attention of a demonic presence during an online séance and begin noticing strange occurrences in their homes.

at first everything was normal, they were in a call, talking and doing things. but then all the creepy things started, like things flying around or noises.

this time dream is between Lina and me, sapnap is next to me, but this time i'm gonna act like i am super scared.

a little jump scare comes up and Lina screams as she grabs herself into dreams arm. Dream starts to laugh and whispers: "it wasn't even that scary!"
while he removes her hand.

i should've also grab myself into him. i'll do it next time.

after a few minutes a big jump scare pop's off, with blood coming out of the mouth from the girl. i flinch and bury my face into dreams shoulder.

Lina screamed, as other girls did, and grabbed dreams arm.

dream also flinched but grabbed my hand. when he saw that i was looking away he started to laugh.

"what are you laughing at!" i whisper, also laughing a little, "since when is George Davidson so scared?" he laughs, "oh, shut up." i say with a smile on my face.

i lean my head on his shoulder, put his hand in mine and focus on the film again. i look over to sapnap and see that he is on his phone, i move closer to him and look at his phone.

he's texting with Karl, Karl is coming tomorrow. i see a big smile on his face, "look who's smiling like an Idiot!" i say.

he hits my on the head, but laughs. "says you, grabbing dream like he's about to run away." he says and shows me his tongue.

i just give him the middle finger and lean myself on dreams shoulder again.
there were many other jump scares, i tried my best to act scared and grab myself into dream, but it didn't work as good as i thought it would.

Lina kept grabbing herself into dream, every time a jump scare came. I couldn't do that, because i didn't know when the jump scares would come and i wasn't scared, most of the time.

it's 9pm now, we are walking back, it's dark, cold and scary. why? because sapnap, this idiot, said that he knew an abbreviation and now we are in a forest.

"ugh! it's cold and creepy sapnap! where are we?!" i say annoyed "i always walked this way, but its so hard to see.. i never walked in the dark." he says.

"are you seriously?" Lina says, also annoyed "sorry guys." he laughs "oh my god. you are stupid." dream laughs.

i just sigh with a smile on my face. "it's cold, Jesus. lets go back." Lina says as she turns around, "alright.. where did we come from?" i ask.

"uhh." everyone says at the same time, "we are lost? seriously." i say as i turn around to them "nick! this is your faul!" dream says.

"I'm sorry! I thought it would be the same." he says "dude, it's getting really cold." Lina says, that is only wearing a t-shirt.

"here, you can have my hoodie." I say as i quickly pull my hoodie off and give it to Lina. "Thanks George!" she says with a smile.

"no problem." I smile, i look at dream and see that he's already looking at me. "why did you give her your hoodie!" he whispers in my ear.

"because i wanted to?" i say, "well, then you're gonna wear mine." he says as he takes his hoodie off and put it in my hands.

"i don't want your hoodie!" i say as i put it back in his hands, "then you're gonna wear yours and Lina mine." he whispers in my ear with a smirk.

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