Chapter 3

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I look out of the window and see that it's getting brighter outside. Today I'll buy me and George something to eat, and try to talk to him.

I look at the time and see that it's 7:45am right now. i grab myself something to wear, money and make my way out.

I buy us some bread with cheese and Winged salami, i also buy water with two cups and make my way to George.

I walk up to the room 18 at the motel and knock, but nobody opens the door. maybe George is still sleeping, he sleeps a lot.

I guess i'm just gonna wait here then, maybe he comes out or i hear him. Then we'll eat together and talk, talk about things that happened.

but i need to stay cold, maybe not too cold.. but i can't show to much happiness.


It's now 12pm and none came out, i knocked and knocked but none opened the door. I'm waiting in the cold for 4 hours and he doesn't open the door?!

I walk to the reception, there's an old man that looks creepy. "Sorry, could i ask you something?" i say.

"sure, how can i help you?" he asks me, "is a George Davidson here?" I ask him "let me check... uhh. no, sorry." he says.


"are you sure? I'm sorry, it's just that he told me he would be here, in room 18." I say to the man, "room 18 is free, look i still got the keys." he tells me and shows me the keys.

"alright.. thanks." I say "I'm sorry, good luck finding him." he says to me with a smile, "thank you." i thank him and walk out.

he lied to me, of course he did why was i so stupid to believe this shit.

I throw the bread and water in the trash and walk to the park again, hoping to see him there. I don't think he'll come here again, but my hope is telling me to sit and wait here.

so i do. I sit here and wait, for minutes, hours, years! okay, not years but it felt like it. I wait there for hours, until 5pm.

at 5pm i gave up, i walked home, angrily. I'll never trust my hope again, never. I could've find him somewhere, but noo i sat there and waited.

for nothing.

I open the door and see my dad sitting at the kitchen table. "Where were you?" he asks me, while i get a glass of water.

"with sapnap." I lie to him, "why didn't you told us? tell us next time." he says "alright, I'm in my room." i say and make my way upstairs.

I lay myself down on my bed and start to call sapnap, it took him a few minutes but he picked up.

"Dream! What's up?" he says with excitement, "not much. How are you?" I ask him "I'm alright, and you?" he asks me back.

"could be better. did you told karl yet?" I ask him, "no, i'm going to do it tomorrow, i think. But is everything alright?" he asks.

"Guess who i saw." i say, "who? philza minecraft?" he laughs. "no, haha. i saw George." I tell him.

"what? George?" he says shocked, "yep." i answer "what did he say? did you guys talk?" he asks me.

"yes, we did. he told me that he's not ready to tell me why he broke the contact to us. I wanted to try and find out by seeing him every day, but he lied to me about where he lives." I explain to sapnap.

"he's a fucker. we were his best friends he could've told us why." sapnap says to me, "yeah.." i say.

"but are you alright?" he asks me, "I'm fine, yeah. it's a bit boring here without you." i laugh "don't worry, I'm going to be back soon. I know how much you miss me." he jokes around.

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