Chapter 6

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what the fuck? i do not have a eating disorder, i could eat normal a few days ago. i didn't do anything do have a eating disorder.

I'm just getting sick, that's all. maybe i'm getting a cold or something, that's all.

i wipe my mouth and make my bed, i lay myself down and close my eyes. i need to sleep for a little bit, i'm fucking tried.

"dream?" someone wakes me up, i slowly open my eyes and see George. "George? what are you doing here and how did you come inside?" i ask him.

"your mom opened me the door. i wanted to talk to you." he says "alright? what do you wanna talk about?" i ask him as i sit myself up.

but he sits himself on my lap and stares in my eyes. "George?" i say shocked, "you wouldn't want me dead, would you?" he asks me.

"w-what?" i say, why is he asking me that? "can't you save me? i'm dying and you aren't here.." George says to me, looking down.

"George? what's wrong?" i ask him, lifting his head up. he looks at me with tears in his eyes. "wha- why are you crying?!" i ask him.

"you don't love me." he says "what? of course i love you." i say a bit confused, "then save me, don't let me die!" he screams while he shows me his wrists.

his wrists. that are covered by blood. my heart stops beating for a second and tears fill my eyes up, "George!" I scream as i hold his wrists, trying to stop the blood.

but the blood goes through my hands, "what- no- why would you-!" I say, not knowing what to say first.

i quickly sit myself up, with tears in my eyes and breathing fast. that shit was a dream.. what the fuck.

i look at the time and see that it's 3am, what if it was a message? what if George is trying to kill himself right now.

his arms where covered by cuts, and- fuck.

i quickly get up, put myself a hoodie and my shoes on and run down stairs. i quickly open the door and start to run.

it's raining heavily and the streets are empty, but i need to get to George and make sure that he's okay.

what if the dream was telling me to save him right now? what if it's telling me to be there for him even tho he doesn't want to.

i ran to Georges room and start to bang against his door. "George! Open the door!" i scream, but none is opening the door.

"George! are you okay?! open- the door-!" i scream again, trying to break the door. "shit.." i whisper to myself.

"Geo-" i start to scream, but he finally opens the door. "what the fuck are you doing here?" he asks me.

"Jesus it's raining like hell, come inside." George says as he pulls me inside, i quickly grab him, throw him on the bed and claim on top of him.

i hold his arms above his head and stare into his eyes. "you are gonna tell me what wrong is, right now." i say to him.

"wha- get off me!" he screams trying to free himself "I'll get off as soon as you tell me, what the fuck wrong is!" i say.

"i'm not gonna tell you! get- off- me!" he screams again, i cover his mouth with my head and move closer to him.

"stop screaming, you'll wake people u- up.." i say, getting quiet at the end. his eyes are filled with tears and i can see the fear in his eyes.

he quickly kicks me to the ground and moves away, "never touch me like that again! and get the fuck out!" he screams as he points to the door, while i just stare at him.

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