Chapter 9

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"ow!" i scream-whisper and look at George, but he's already asleep again. i sigh before i walk to my closet and pull out a hoodie and some sweatpants.

I start to undress George, then i put him my hoodie and my sweatpants on. of course they were big for him because I'm a little taller.

but i made a bow so that it's not that big for him. I remove my blanket, carry George to my bed, lay him down and put the blanket over him.

i sit myself on the ground next to him and start to admire him, his face. His breath smells like vodka and his body like George and dream mixed.

I give him a kiss on the forehead and make my way downstairs. I sit myself down on the couch and start to watch tv, a morning show.

after a few minutes, i look at the table and see a cucumbers laying there. i get up and start to cut the cucumber in small pieces.

i put salt over them and start to eat them carefully, but the feeling of throwing up is coming very slowly up again.

so i grab a glass of water, drink it and take a break from eating. i wait for about 10 minutes until i start to eat again, i repeated that until i was done.

I don't know how long it took me, because suddenly drista stands behind me. "oh, good morning." i say to her.

"Morning, what were you doing?" she asks me, "me? i was eating some cucumbers, why?" i ask her.

"just asking." she answers and start to make herself a toast. "i can drive you to school." i tell her.

"no need to. marks brother is driving us today." she tells me, "marks brother?" i say confused. "yeah? marks brother." she says.

"who's mark?" I ask her "a friend of mine." she tells me, "you have friends?" i say "ha. ha. very funny." she says with a little smile.

"we don't know them, I'll drive you." i say to her, "definitely not." she says, eating her toast. "what do you mean 'definitely not'?!" i ask her.

"you've George here, you need to take a care of him." she says with a smirk on her face, "he's still sleeping, he won't be awake until 4pm for sure." i tell her.

"no. you can go and sleep. mom knows marks family. his brother is 21 and a judge, so no need to worry!" she says with a smile.

"just because he's a judge doesn't it mean he's not dangerous. every human can be dangerous no matter what their job is." i tell her.

"yeah, but mom knows the family." she tells me, "alright, if mom knows them, then i'm okay with it. I just wanted to tell you that." i say to her.

"yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go now, bye see you later!" she says while picking her bag up and leaves.

to be honest, I am kinda tried.

I walk upstairs to my room and see that George is still sleeping, so i put myself some comfortable clothes on and take a pillow.

i lay myself to the ground down, next to George, and start to admire him.. again. he looks so peaceful when he sleeps, his face is laying perfectly on the pillow and his hair is laying on his forehead, almost touching his eye.

i'm sleeping on the floor because i don't wanna make George uncomfortable, and if i'm right about what i think has happened to George..

he definitely won't feel comfortable with that.

i slowly feel my eyes getting heavier each time i look at a different part on George's face. i close my eyes and try my best to fall asleep, even tho it's kinda cold on the ground.

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