Chapter 7

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i open my eyes and see that George isn't next to me. I sit myself up and look around, but he isn't in the room.

"George?", no answer. Suddenly i get up and walk to the bathroom, without wanting to. it's like someone controlled me.

I slowly open the door and see blood on the ground. I look up and see George laying there, with the blood coming out of his wrist.

i quickly run to him and try to stop the blood by putting my hands on his wrist. "George! open your eyes! just for a moment!" i say, while tears roll down my cheeks.

i shouldn't have fallen asleep, what do i do now? I lift him up and run outside, but as soon as i'm outside, the ground breaks and we fall inside a black hole.

"what the fuck!" i scream as i sit myself up, trying to control my breath. I look around and see George sleeping there.

a dream? again?

I get up and walk to the bathroom, it looks exactly like in my dream.. i walk to the washbasin and wash my face with cold water.

i look at myself in the mirror. what the fuck is happening to me. I quickly look away and lay myself down in the bed.

i start to stare at George, at his beautiful lips, at his beautiful nose, skin, hair and ears. everything on him is perfect, even his sneeze is perfect.

why would he do that to himself? and who hurt him, who did that to him. I want him to talk with me about it, i want to make him feel loved.

but he keeps pushing me away like i'm just a someone to him, not his best friend. I understand that it's hard for him to talk about it, but it's much harder to keep it to himself.

i gently remove a hair from his eyes and start to caress his cheek, not waking him up. I slowly look at his lips and the desire for his lips gets higher.

I move closer to his lips until only a few centimetres separate our lips. I look up to his closed eyes, and let my head fall down.

"what am i doing here.." i whisper to myself as i turn around, not facing George anymore. I stare at the door, there are pattern on the door.

faces and body's.

I keep staring at it for a few minutes, then i lay myself down on my back and start to stare at the ceiling.

i stared at the ceiling for hours, until George touches my cheek with one of his fingers. "for how long have you been awake?" i ask him as i turn around.

"for a few minutes, didn't you sleep?" he asks me "i wasn't tried anymore." i tell him with a smile, "you weren't tired?" he laughs a little.

"you look like shit, you should sleep today." he tells me, as he sits himself up. "did you sleep well?" i ask him.

"like a baby." he says, "ohh that's good." i laugh, "i'm gonna go to the bathroom." he says while he stands up and walks inside the bathroom.

I could wake up like this every morning until i die. His sleepy eyes and his morning voice are so cute.

I'm gonna die.

what can i do with him today? i could ask him to talk to Sapnap. i know he also misses George even tho he acts like he doesn't.

George comes out of the bathroom and sits himself down. "George, do you wanna talk with sapnap?" i ask him.

"i don't think that's a good idea." he laughs, "you don't need to explain yourself, you can just talk to him." i tell George.

"I'm sure he also wants to know why i broke the contact, but i can't tell him or you. I'm not ready." he explains himself.

"we can wait until you are ready George. Sapnap misses you, he doesn't show it but he does, i know it." i tell him, "what if he wants to beat me up again?" George laughs.

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