Chapter 18

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I look at the time and it's already 3am, i still couldn't fall asleep. I kick around as i scream in silences.

i sit myself up and look around, it's dark and, not gonna lie, creepy. I get up and slowly walk to the living room, to stalk dream.

I put my head over the couch and dream catches me. he was looking at his phone, but as soon as he saw me, his eyes went straight to mine.

shit. why is he even wake at this time!

i quickly pull my head back and make big steps to the kitchen. I grab myself a glass of water and walk out of the kitchen, to the living room.

"aww, can't George sleep?" he provokes me "who said i can't sleep! I literally was asleep and now i wanna watch Netflix, dumb fuck." i say as i turn the tv on.

"just watch it on your phone, Jesus leave me alone here." he says "my storage space is full." i say as i pick a horror movie out.

"you are literally doing this on purpose!" he says as he sits himself up "i just wanna watch. not my problem that you're a scary cat." i say with a smile on my face.

"just take my phone, watch it here and get out." he says as he holds his phone before my eyes. "ew, i don't want anything that is yours." i say as i turn around to see the movie.

"but wearing my hoodie?" he says, i look down on my hoodie and he's right, i am wearing his hoodie.

"ew! i didn't- even- notice it!" I say as i remove the hoodie and throw it at dream. it's cold!!! I didn't have anything underneath the hoodie on.

so i'm shirtless now.

i quickly run to my room, pull out a hoodie of mine and put it one. I quickly run back and sit myself down again, watching the movie.

"i hate you so much." dream says as he gets up. ha! I quickly go under the blanket and lay myself down.

i thought that he's gonna go now to our room, but no. he came back with the second remote control!

he turn the tv off and looks at me with a smirk. I turn it on, but he turns it off again, then i turn it on again, but he turns it off again!

"can you stop!" i scream "can you leave!" he screams back "no, the living room is for everyone!" i say.

"but not at 3am!" he says "why do you care that I'm here?! I am just a thing!" i say loud. Suddenly sapnap comes out and walks up to us.

"I swear to god! If you both don't shut up, I'm gonna kick you out! Just because you two can't stay without fighting, doesn't it mean you can be this loud at 3 in the morning!" sapnap screams-whisper angrily to us.

"he-" dream starts, but get sapnap stops him. "i am being so serious right now! People are trying to sleep!" he says.

we both stay quiet and after a few more seconds he leaves. I look at dream and he looks at me "get up, that's my place." he whispers.

i get up and sit myself down on the ground. "you know i hate them, so stop watching this." he says, but i just ignore him.

"ugh. you can sleep here today, I'll sleep in my room." he says and leaves, i sigh and lay myself down on the couch.

the movie was scary as fuck, dude. It was so realistic.. now i am scared. I turn off the tv and lay myself completely down, it's dark again.

since it's overcast, the moon can't light the room and outside the lights aren't working. I don't know why.

the living room is scary, because you can see the dark hallway and the front door. basically you can see everything from the apartment.


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