Chapter 11

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Dream POV

I open the door, but i don't go inside. because i see my letters laying all over my bed, open. "what's wrong?" George says.

i feel my anger going up.

"did you fucking read my letters?" i ask him, but he doesn't answer. I quickly start to put them over each other and then lay them down on my table.

"did you fucking read them?!" i ask him again, but this time i look him in the eyes and see that.. he's scared?

"yes, what do you wanna do about it?" he tries to act tough, but his eyes are saying something else.

i start to calm down again, i take a deep breath and look at George again. "why did you read them?" i ask him, as i start to put them where they were.

"they were for me, so i thought I am allowed to read them." he says, still trying to act like he does not care.

"whatever." i say as i sit myself down, George closes the door and sits himself on the chair down.

"why are you sitting on the chair?" i ask him "because i want to?" he says, "come sit on the bed, idiot." i say.

"i can sit where i want, idiot." he says. I get up, get him and throw him in the bed, "dream!" he laughs.

"i said come and sit on the bed." I laugh, "alright, alright!" he laughs. we lay ourselves down and i look at him.

his side profile is so pretty. he turns around and looks me in the eyes, without saying a word he comes closer.

i wait a little, but i slowly realize that he's not gonna move any closer. so i get closer to him, until our lips are only inches apart.

i look him in the eyes and catch him staring at my lips. i smile a little but press my lips against his.

he kisses me back as soon as our lips are against each other's. he lays his hand on my cheeks while pulling me closer to him.

i feel the butterflies in my stomach going wild.

this is way better than in my dreams, a lot better than i could ever imagine.

i slowly sit myself up, without breaking the kiss, his legs around my hips and slowly go to his waist.

he pulls himself deeper into the kiss as he tries to come closer to me, even tho we are already close to each other.

then it knocks on the door, George quickly breaks the kiss and I get off him. i walk to the door and open it.

It's drista. "what is it?" i ask her.

"mom and dad won't be home for a few days, they're going to grandma." she tells me, "okay?" i say.

"can you bring me to Kimi?" she asks me, "right now?" i ask, a bit annoyed. "is anyone with you?" she asks.

"I'm with George." i say "oh, did i bother you?" she asks with a smirk on her face. "shut up and get ready, I'll drive you." I say.

"my things are already in the car." she tells me, "George, come with us. I need to bring her to a friend." i say.

"okay." he says as he follows us, to the car.

after i let drista out, i turn to George and see that he's asleep. i wanted to go and eat with him, but since he's asleep now.

i drive us back home.

i'll definitely ask him if he wants to stay as long as my parents aren't home. i hope he wants to stay.

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