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Matt pov

Saturday afternoon

I was sitting in my office( at home) all I can think about is how my mom never told me. Was this my fault. What should I do? I looked at my clock it said 12 a clock. I've been in here for an hour just thinking if I should call her. I'm just going to call her.

"Hey "

Hey mom I have a question?


Um... did you work for....Nelson?

"What no I don't even know him "

Mom don't lie I know everything, I know what happened between you and Nelson why didn't you tell me why? And that I have a brother

"Am sorry am sorry, you were only six years old what happened I thought that if I kept it away from you you wouldn't have to come across Nelson."

It's okay Mom.

"After what happen I found out a week later that I was pregnant with the baby boy and I didn't know what to so me and your father made a decision that your grandmother would watch you for a couple years."

Where is he now, my brother do you know where he is? Or his name anything, and I'm sorry that that happened to you.

"He went into a foster home. I don't know anything about him nothing at all"

You got to know something right anyting please.

"I...got to go son.."

What! She got to know something right. She has to be hiding something.


Mary Frederick pov:

How... How how could they know. I had to call them right away tell them what's going on.

Hello I have no time but. They... know, Matt knows that he has a brother they can't know that they are brothers. If they find out everything will be ruined right. They can't know. Do not let Woods know.

" what! How they can't know. If Woods finds out he'll hate those forever."

I know... they just can't find out but I got to go I don't got much time.

Sam pov:

I walked into the studios. Everything was quite there wasn't much people here yet. I see words sitting over by the the chairs. Hey Woods

" hey "

He's so so tired and looks tired. He looks sad did something happen? Hey is everything good you seem different?

"Yeah just didn't get much sleep "

Oh okay if you need anything let me know.

"Thanks "

I know something was wrong I need to find Matt I know he's not in a better shape than Woods but the boss and what if there was something actually wrong I mean I know stop not just found out what happened to his mom and that he has a brother that he never knew. I see that Matt is in his office so I knocked on his door.

" come in, what's up?"

Woods,  there is something wrong with him, he seems sad, tired, and you look like you didn't get sleep there must be something going on with them too oh, I don't know if it's something related to Syntec or not. But I really think you need to talk to him.

"Okay, send him up."

I went to go get get Woods ,I see him standing in the kitchen area. Hey Woods Matt wants you in his offices.

"Oh okay"

I think you know who's Woods brother is 🤔 or Matt's brother 🤔 What are they.....
And if there's any misspelling in any of my chapters I will fix them and please let me know

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