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Woods pov

I tried to open my eyes for a split second. I was in some room with a heart monitor. Was I in a hospital or was syphus doing tests on me. I look around To see Matt in a chair in the corner of the room but I didn't  seem to be in a hospital. I didn't see Sam or Bailey not evan Deb. Was I in someone's house?

But that got me thinking what if Matt is here to fire me because he found out that I'm his brother. I try to sit up and not wake up Matt but what I did, did not work. "Woods!?" Matt ask seting up.

I loo at Matt I was to nervous to talk I didn't know what was going on or were am at or is my parents were okay. I had to much on my plate and I don't know how much I can take.

"Is my parents are okay and we're am I " I ask looking down at the bed I was laying on.

Matt look up from were he was sitting. "Yeah there fine, are you feeling okay!?" He ask

I didn't get it he didn't mentioning that I was is brother. "Yeah just a headache" I said. I still was confused, what am I missing. Something is not right. How did I get out because I could barely recall what happened these past few days.


Spelling errors will be fix when I get a new phone!

Sorry for the very short chapter! If you did not know my phone is broken and still is and am using my tablet and It's not that great typing wise. Also I haven't updated because of school and it's going well. So I thought to say Hi. So it may take a little bit longer to update. Maybe I could to Short chapters but I don't, let me know what you think!

Have a goodnight / morning!!

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