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Sam pov

What is happening?  I asked, this is all just crazy why do we got to go to his parents house?

"Something happen to woods and his. We got no time. parents

Before we could get in the car there was a phantom just standing staring at us what do you want I yelled then all the sudden he started to speed walk towards us then suddenly he just stops and stares what do you want I yelled again.

" he wants you to stay away and he wants..."

" Sam we don't got time come on" Matt said

I just got in the car. If something happen to woods we might not have much time so I guess we better hurry. ( oh and Tanner came with)

"So what is happening" Bailey ask

" Woods call me and said there was two Phantoms outside of his house and he told me to go to his parents house because something had happened. Then the phone went silent. I think they got Woods!"

"So where are we going call are we going to Woods Place or his parents?" Tanner ask

"I thank we should go to both Sam and Tanner you go to his parents and me and Bailey go's to his place and I will drop you of" Matt said

"Ok" Tanner said

Fine but what if something and everything go's south? I ask

"Then go get out. I don't what to put you in danger" Matt said

We made it to woods parents house and as we get closer to the front door we see that the door is open.
Sorry for vary short chapter then chapter  will be Sam and Tanner at woods house then the next will be Matt and Bailey.
Will the truth come out or will it remain a secret?

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