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Matt pov:

Woods walked in my office, sam was right he look tried, and that he did not sleep much.

"Said that you wanted to see me" Woods said

Yeah, I just wanted to know If everything is OK?

"Y...yeah why would you ask?"

Sam was worried, he look like he was on the verge of tears, and I never  seen  him looked this upset before. Hey it's OK I you don't want to talk about it then you don't have to. All of the sudden he just burst into tears.

"I... I could not help it, they were hiding something for me. I know they were my... dad got a call, and  after my dad talked to my mom about the call  they both started to acted weird they wouldn't tell me what was going on. I always felt like they were hiding something, when I was little I never new mine real parents, never met them don't know who they are, I don't know who my real family is those are my foster parents, and my dad... got angry and yelled at me for the first time and it was my fault he probably hates me, this is all my fault." Woods said with a shaky voice.

Hey it's okay, they want you, they just got made everybody parents gets mad and maybe they are just not ready to tell you something what happened.

"I...don't know what if they don't want me like my real parents?"

They want you trust me. Did you get any sleep? I ask him because he seems tired.

"Not much?"

So this is what I want you to do. I want you to go home and get some sleep and if you need any just call me.

"But I..."

I did not finish his sentence. I want you gets some rest Woods.


If you need anything let me know.

"Yeah,well see you later then."

Still Matt pov:

I was just thinking about what Woods said this somehow makes sense to what my mother said,  she said that she doesn't know anything about my brother and that he went to a foster home, I was just worried about Woods, that I didn't pay attention or think about what Woods said I just wanted to make sure that Woods was okay. But could he be my brother? No this could just be a coincidence.

Maybe I should ask Deb about this maybe she knows something thing about this. I know this is not the real Deb but maybe just maybe there is something that could help me with this but I should be taking care of my mother she might be needing someone right now. I still can't believe that she had to go through this and all the pressure by her self.

BUT WHY DOSE THIS DOSE THIS AS TO HAPPENED TO USE! Why! I just sat in my office crying.

30 minutes later


I want to go see if Deb knew anything about this, anything that could help me it could be anything like who my brother is or what happened to my mom but what if something else happened and she just isn't tellimg me the truth I feel like she's lying to me there has to be something going on.Why can't Our Lives just be normal for once.

Before I had text Deb I scared to find out the truth if there was any truth. It just seems like an endless book.


Syphus pov:

I just finished watching one of their stupid videos, and I just found out that I have a son which I need to find before they can. I called one of my Phantoms in to get any news or information about my son even if I have to get Mary Frederick myself I know she knows who my son is. I have to get my hands on him. He belongs with me not anyone else.


I know there might be some spelling but I go and fix them later

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