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"Hey it's me, Michelle, I need your help,"


"Thanks, I own you one,"

"I think you owe me two from the last time I helped you."

"How about after you help me we go get beers?"

"Deal, so where meeting at our secret location?"

"Yes, but make sure no one is following you...wait how did you know we needed to meet?"

"I have known you for years I know when you want to meet in person"

" You and always knowing things without me telling you,"

" Okay but why do you need my help?"

"You know woods? The guy that you help us break out. Well, do you know if he was injected with the serum?"

"Oh! Gosh, I forgot that he was injected, what do you need me to do?"

"We need an antidote but now that you don't work there anymore we can't get our hands on the ceiling but maybe we can make one?"

"Well, I don't know, we have some of the ingredients but we don't have all, we would have to find the remaining ingredients"

"We got to do something, am. trying to help these people, maybe they can be a part of our team, you know with Conner, Chelsea, Alex, and Mike,"

" We could use the help, but they do not share or video are secret spots"

"Yes ma'am. See you in a bit."

Hope POV

I have my bag and coat and I get in my car, ever since I helped them get that kid out...woods, that's his name I left Syntec, and I couldn't work there anymore not after all that happened over the past weeks.

I have been working to take Nelson down with my colleagues and people who used to work for Nelson...I don't know what I would have done without them. I take the next right.

I began to drive on the dirt road, I hated dirt roads...and here I was driving on one. I pull up to the gate of our hideout. I punched in the code and swiped my card and the gate opened. I pulled into the parking lot.

I finally got inside"Look who finally made it," Michelle joked.

" don't make me bring up the times you've been late or found yourself in trouble!" I gave him that look that said "Try me".

" dude!" Mike laughed

"You're just worse...where are they are they here?" I ask

"Yes, Woods is a medical Bay and the rest are in the office,"

I look over to the office and nodes. " Michelle and Mike go and talk to him and I go check up on the woods," I headed over to Medical Bay.

"Hello, I came here to check on you Hope, which I think you already know." I grabbed a pair of gloves. Woods was conscious enough to talk but overall not looking too great. His face was pale and looked cold and sweating.

" last time you were working with Nelson...why are...you here?"

I looked at him" Well after I helped with your Escape Plan I quit working for Nelson which means that someone's going to be looking for me."

Woods coughs and begins to speak" We'll protect."

I gave him a soft pat on his shoulder" You say that as you're not the one sick right now. I can handle myself you guys worry about yourselves that's all that matters right now is getting the antidote for you." I smiled

" do you have any pain, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst and 1 doesn't hurt," I asked as I took my clothes off and threw them in the trash.

He nods"My head hurts been having a headache for the past couple of days I give it a five,"

I drove a bottle of painkillers" Well this should help with the pain and help you rest." I gave him a dose of painkiller.

" you rest okay I'm going to go talk to your friends I'm sorry"

"k" Woods said already falling asleep. I stepped out of Medical Bay and into the office"Is he okay" Tanner asked, I could tell they were all worried and anxious about their friend." He's fine for right now but he did not look so great, all I could do right now is give him some antibiotics and I gave him some painkillers to help him ease his headache and help him rest, he'll need rest." I look at Michelle and he nods back.

"We would like you to join our team'" Michelle said Mike was already out of the office and back to his work." We don't have an antidote for your friend right now but we do have some ingredients to make one, all we need is to find the remaining ingredients and it will be a great help to be allies with you with our team and yours." I could tell they were thinking about it they all looked at each other before Matt spoke guessing he was the leader of the group.

" I guess we'll team up, we already can trust Michelle and I do anything to help my brother," I nod "Well then let me introduce you to everyone." we go for a walk and we make it to Mike's work area, "This is Mike, he's a science freak over here,"

Mike had dirty short blonde hair with a little peach fuzz and was tall for his height. " Hey! When you say it like that you make me sound like a nerd!" He looks at me and I smile at him. We continue to walk over to an office that has a bunch of files on a couple of computers " This is Chelsea she manages all the files and dates and stuff," Chelsea was a dark-haired woman.

"Hi Nice to meet you!" she said with a smile, The group said they were creating and we continued to walk around to our garage. We walk in to see a guy with back hair and dirty angry stained clothes under a car." This is Connor our mechanic" I point to the car. "Hey-shit!" Clink! "Nice to meet you...I can't see you right now but I've heard a lot about you guys!" Conner said and we headed back to the office area.

" so everybody has a job but what do you guys do?" Sam asked, I nodded. " I'm the medic here and Michelle it's like the research guy and the one that does crazy stunts," I laughed, and Michelle softly punched my shoulder.

"Okay, what now?" Matt asked

" We make a plan and try to find some ingredients to make the antidote," Michelle said...


Hey! It's been a while since I updated this and I thought it would be a good way to start a new year. At first, I didn't know if I was going to continue the story or not but I decided I couldn't give up on this story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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