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Sam pov

As we were waiting for Matt I started to get nervous what are we supposed to tell him?
I just don't want to ruin their friendship, I still can't believe that they are brothers.

"Sam?" Tanner said

"Mhh" I was too much in my thoughts that I could not say much

Sam everything is going to be OK I know "That you're nervous but everything will be OK Matt and Woods will still be friends," Tanner said with a calming voice.

I know but I just keep thinking what could happen, what if Matt does not want anything to do with woods?

"Matt his not like that him and wood would get along at first it may seem weird and uncomfortable but we got to help them both when they figured out. But first we need to find Woods " Tanner said

I know,...thanks was we finsh talking Matt pulls up.

"Hey guy!" Matt said

"Hey" Tanner said

We just sat there in awkward silence until Matt broke it.

"So, we went to his place it was a total disaster. It look like he put up a fight....but lost. We found this Journal. I look at hole lot the one we found to the Mountaineer. It has some pages that as been written on, I would say 6 pages. We read one It looks like  the person that was written in this journal what's to help us but dose not know how and dose not want to get caught " Matt said

But if they wanted to help use why would they go and help take woods? I question

"That person didn't want to get caught and it did not say help use it could be other people."Matt said


At the studio

Matt pov

Ok you want to tell use something that was so important that we could not discuss it over the phone.

"Um... yes "Sam said

Ok, I could tell this was going to be something big because Sam was nervous, I could tell.

"We...we know who is your brother and... and you know to" Sam said

What how? And who? I had so many questions . How did they find out?

Umhh...w..woods is your brother.

WHAT! I said in shock. How could he be my brother. I wasn't made I was just shocked. It make so much sense.

"Your mom and woods parents knew the hole time your mom new his parents Before she had you and woods. Then when she found out they gave him to them. She did not want you you to now what had happened and she never wanted you to be in this mess" Sam said with a calm voice.

But if she didn't want me in this mess she should have told me not to get this place or just told me in the FIRST PLACE! I yelled.

"I know but we just need to find woods before it's to late" Sam said

Ok sorry. I just wish she told me

"You don't have to be sorry, you just learned something that change your life.

I know, I said

30 minutes later

Matt pov

We should look in the journal to see if there is any clues to tell us we're we can find wood.


Woods pov

I slowly opened my eyes and am in the same room but in a different chair my arms was strapped to the chair with metal. HEY GET ME OUT OF HERE! I yelled sa I say that the door opened and a middle-aged men walk in.

"Well hello woods" the man said

What do you want who are you. I question

"Oh you didn't hear am you father, am syphus.

WHAT...NO,NO! That can't be. Dose that me am Matt's brother. No that c..can't be be.

" now don't you worry we got thing planned for you I knew we we similar" syphus said

NO, YOU FUCKING PRICK AM NOT LIKE YOU! I DON'T HURT PEOPLE I AM NOTHING LIKE YOO... before I could finsh my sentence I got a punch in the face.


Mmmm I wonder what's going to happen?
I know I made spelling errors but if something don't make sense TELL ME.....PLS

P.s have a good day.

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