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30 minutes after the call

Matt, Sam, and Tanner just arrived at Woods Apartment. Lucky for them they knew that there was a spare key under the doormat.

After unlocking the door Matt and his team rushed to woods' aid. Woods was laying on the ground beside his bed. His phone is still in his hand.

Sam was panicking, she did not like to see her friend like this. Sam Crouch beside Woods and gently laid him on his back. His face was pale and had bags under his eyes like he hadn't had much sleep.

Sam was tapping lightly on his cheek and whispering to him trying to wake him up," Woods, come on, wake up" Matt and Tanner were by her side panicking as much as she was.

Matt was anxious, about what was happening to his brother" What is taking Michelle so long!?" Matt asks, voice a little shaky. Tanner put a hand on Matt's shoulder" he said he was on his way he should be here any minute by now" Tanner said Worried about Woods but he was trying g to keep it together for the team.

Sam was still by Woods' side, Woods' eyes slowly fluttering open. The whole room filled with relief as their friends slowly start to wake up. A soft growth escaped from Woods's lips as he tried to slowly get. up

"No, no stay down, your okay. Just don't move" Matt said as he slowly helps Woods to lie down."w-what happened," Woods asked a little dazed. As if that was the cue Michelle finally had arrived.

" From what I heard you had passed out over the phone and by the looks of it you don't look great," Michelle said walking into the apartment with a duffle bag in his hand.

Woods just mowed in response," Can you see what causes? You're the first person I know to call since we really can't trust hospitals." Matt said with concern showing.

" yes likely, I'm just going to run some tests, okay, not going to feel anything" Speaking to everyone in the room but most to Woods.

After some tests were run Michelle finally figured out what had caused Woods to feel this way. And what he had found out terrified him. It was caused by a serum. Woods must have got injected.

The team has seen Michelle's worried expression." What, what's wrong?" Tanner asked letting a little worried show. Woods was starting to even get more worried

"Woods do you remember if you got injected with the serum?" Michelle was serious and worried. Woods had to think, he doesn't remember or recall getting injected with the serum. Shaking his head, "No not that I recall of, no," Woods where's now more worried than he was before. He looked at his friend's faces and they were also worried.

Michelle looked at Matt then the rest and looked back at Woods." I found traces of the serum in your blood, we need to find an antidote quickly." Michelle looked at Tanner and Matt."Okay, where can we find an antidote" Sam asks worriedly helping Woods so he can sit up.

" I think we need to give Hope a call she may be able to give us an antidote or tell us how to make an antidote," Michelle said taking out his phone

Matt was Worried about Woods and glad that the spire was turned off long ago or it would have been a whole lot worse. Michelle paced around waiting for Hope to answer the phone. And finally, she answered.

"We need your help," Michelle said.....

To be continued

Mhh... I wonder what's going to happen next? Oh wait I do know what happened next. lmao

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