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Matt pov

Me and meachel made it through the tunnel Bailey and Sam were outside making sure everything was clear. I hope we can get there without getting caught don't know what conditions we don't even know if he can walk. We've walked through the tunnel and finally made it to the freaking door we meant up with hope. "You need to hurry you don't got much time until syphus comes back. Matt you stay here me and meachel ginger woods.

I was just sitting waiting for them to come back not Evan know if everything was going according to plan. There was nothing on the walkie talkies just silent. Bailey are we still clear. "Yes nothing to worrie about, anything on woods?" Bailey ask nothing just waiting. Meachel trun off his walkie talkie. Back with my thoughts and waiting for something. I wonder if my mom would like to see woods or explain everything to me and woods, I wonder dose woods know. If he dose I would what he as to say dose he want to talk to his mom. What will happen when syphus finds out. I was some much in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that I was talking out loud. What is taking them so long.

The door finally open but I was getting ready to fight with his girlfriend Michelle or woods. But coming out the door I see Michelle in wood. Woods was almost unconscious. Hey baby Sam get ready, is everything clear?"yes" both Sam and Bailey.

We start to head out but as we do we see some cars pull up. ” That's syphus” meachel said. We start to run faster I look back and see two people running after use. Meachel you go on the other side. Bailey was in the car before use. I get woods in the back and I sat next to woods. DIVE! I yelled. What are we going to do I ask. "We need to get him to a safe spot is there anyone following use?" Meachel said  I look in the back to see what cars are behind use we take a couple more turn I look back to see if we were being followed. I saw that Same black Honda and it look like it was almost tailgating us.

Guys there someone following use I said looking at woods worried. " We need to lose them, try to take a lot of turns" Meachel said. I took use about 20 minutes to lose them. We went to meachel apartment we had to trust him he said that he as stuff to help woods. Wood was unconscious for the whole ride and at meachel apartment. I was going to make sure I was by his side when we wakes up. Meachel had enough room for all of us to stay but Sam and Bailey wanted to but they didn't want to bother him. But was I was going to stay. Meachel had checked on wood and found out that he was injected with the serum. The only problem is that he doesn't have one but he knows we're to get one but that would have to wait Evan tho It was 9:00 at night so we would continue until everybody's ready especially woods. This is going to be a long  journey...


This is not the end of the book I promise and if there any spelling errors I will fix them and sorry for the short chapter. right now an going to bed. 😴 See you soon!

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