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The video

"Hey, guys we need help finding woods he went missing and we need help from any one."Matt said as Bailey Sam sat on the chairs in the back. We found  some things that can help use find him but we need your help. But please don't go looking for woods we just need clues and help on these clues. We will post everything that we( but he lied he didn't  post everything they had)
"Yes, we will post everything on every platform we have please if you find anything please tell us." Sam said trying not to cry. "But we really need you're help with this" Matt said.

End of the video

??? Pov

I was working and U got a nonfiction from Matthias. Well I should check this out. "We you're help" was the name of there video. I finsh the video they need my help. I should get ready but I got to be quite and  quick. I got let them know  that am on My way.

Unknown: Hello, Am on my to your studio and am going to help you find your friend I can't be no camera yet nit until we find your friend.

Matt: who are you, and can we trust you?

Unknown: you can trust me but I get it its hard to trust anyone specially what you all went through.

Matt: ok we trust you but when are you going to be here.

Unknown: Today at 6pm It can only be you,sam, and Bailey. I got to go I don't want to get caught.


Sorry for the short chapter am writing this at school we were not doing anything so I thought I would write a chapter because I haven't updated in a while. So take care 🙂

P.s: there probably spelling errors please let me know.

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