Lets Begin

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So last night i pinged her on whatsapp and she called me after about half an hour. Though it was a professional call on her side...but my heart smiled seeing her name flashing on my mobile screen.

"Hello Ram"

"Hey Priya"

"Sorry about today"

"Arey its okay please"

"Raman sir ne call kiya tha mujhe that we have to handle your case confidentially, so i'll be at your office or home tomorrow?"

"Office will be better"

"Ohkayy, so I'll be at your office at 10 in the morning"

Waah pucha bhi nahi bas direct batadiya...

He chuckled feeling that she has already started ordering him


"Yeah yeah sure, Will see you at 10"



and she disconnected the call while he couldn't help smiling.


Dressed up in a white tunic top and a jean with her hair tied up in a pony... she walked in his cabin at sharp 10am.

He looked up and was mesmerized by her beauty. He had cancelled all his meeting until afternoon having no idea of how long the session is gonna be.

He stoodup and gave his ever charming smile "Good morning Priya"

"Good morning Ram" she reciprocated with the same warmth.

"Please have a seat"

She took the seat opposite to him.

"So ram lets begin, shall we?"

"Sure, please go ahead"

"So what triggers you to drink?"

"Stress i guess"

"Ohkayyy but there are many ways through which you can handle stress right?"

"Yeah" he managed to give a small smile not getting what to answer when he wasn't an addict actually.

"You know Ram..." He looked up at her "Yesterday when i met you... i felt you're not an addict and still feel the same...coz i've studied and handled many cases so I'm aware of the patient's emotions and reactions"


"I'm an addict really!!" He literally cried out....Lmao!!

She keenly looked at him while he composed himself and tried to look normal

"I mean... I'm an addict... just that i don't showcase it in public because of the image i need to maintain"

She still looked bit unconvinced

"I see, but you need to be yourself so that we can successfully complete the course"

"Yeah sure" He managed to smile.

"Okay so last time you had it?"



"Umm...stresss...as i said just some work stress"

"so you sure it's just because of stress?"

He thought for few seconds to restrict himself to again blurt out


"okayy, so we will work on that no issues. So Ram, yours is a mild case and you won't have to take much supplements"


"Yeah we give them to the patients to clean up their system during the process"


She takes two small bottles and places it on the table.

"For you only these two are enough, this one you have now and other one after lunch"


"By the way, how often do you drink?"


"You'll have to stop it Ram, if i was at your home now...i would have thrown all the bottles out"

He chuckled "I'll do it don't worry"

"Really will you?" She raised a brow.

"Yeah why not?" He asked confused.

"You say you're an addict and you don't mind throwing them out yourself?"

He got nervous as she is damn good at reading her patients

"Don't worry priya... i'll do it"

"You know what.... I've this strong feeling now that you aren't an addict"

"I'm an addict priya..."

"And I'm an experienced counsellor" she glared at him .... making him lower his eyes and more nervous than  before.

Sweat appeared on his forehead in the chilled room which she noticed.

"Are you hiding anything Mr.Ram?"

He looked at her but somehow went blank because of his plan of playing along with the doc is failing in front of his eyes.

He is so good at planning but today he couldn't think of anything infront of her. She didn't allow his brain to plan...as his whole mind and heart was just admiring his love!!

Plus.... this woman is damn smart!!!


"What happened ram?" Vikram asked entering Ram's cabin, whose head was between his hands.

Ram raised his head and said in low voice "She is damn good as a counsellor yaar"

Vikram sat opposite him "Hua kya hai?"

"Maine socha tha we will do sessions and slowly get along and I'll make her fall for me....." his voice faded and he looked lost as his focus was no where.

"Ram" vikram called making him look at him.

"Will you please tell me what happened buddy?" Vikram asked worriedly looking at his friend who was very happy and excited last evening.


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