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They stood looking at each other and soon her puffy eyes filled with fresh tears. He could see that she was again in a vulnerable state... but the reason unknown to him.

He took a step ahead when she lifted her hand indicating him to stop

"Ram... go away... don't ever come back pls" she choked.

"Priya, kya hua hai? And i'm not gonna leave you ever..." He said softly.

She yelled "Ram i'm not fit for you please goooo" and tears streamed down her cheeks.

She started sobbing and her knees felt weak... she was gonna crash down when he rushed ahead and held her around her arms.


She started struggling in his arms "Ram you'll leave me... you'll go away... you'll hate meee" and tears constantly spilled out of her eyes.

His heart ached to see her like this... it was worse than the other night. His eyes teared up.

"Priya listen, i'm never gonna leave you.. and i can't hate you because i love you... I LOVE YOU PRIYA"

She stopped struggling and looked at him... He nodded his head and whispered "I love you priya"

She shook her head in no "Ram you'll hate me"

"No... i won't and i can never hate you" he said looking into her eyes... which showed her love for him and also the fear of losing him.

"You'll never lose me priya... nothing can harm you until i'm with you" He said slowly and she kept looking at him.

She crashed into his chest hugging him tightly and started weeping "Ram... don't leave me pleaseee..."

Tears escaped his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her and sighed feeling her in his arms... he started rubbing her back slowly to calm her down.

"Ram i..." she tried to put out words between her sobs.

".. i love you ram"

His heart skipped a beat and a small smile adorned his lips. He knew that she started liking him and her eyes conveyed that she loved him.. but hearing it from her was altogether the best feeling.

"I love you too priya and i'll always love you" he crushed her more into him.

But her sobs didn't stop. He wiped his tears then parted her and cupped her face. He wiped her tears with his thumb pads "Shh, stop crying.."

But the fresh tears kept coming out.

"Priyaa, stop it darling... please stop crying.. you'll fall ill"

She rested her hands on his "I love you ram.. and i love you... so much... but go ram.. i'm not good for you... i'm a bad person..." she said between her tears.

"Who said you're bad priya.. you are not bad.. you're amazing.. and whatever it is.. i'm with you!" He said not breaking the eye contact.

She tried removing his hands from her face and after successfully doing it... she started stepping back...

Nodding her head sideways she kept moving back slowly...

He went near her and held her hands "Listen, calm down... please priya just calm down.."

"Ram you don't know what happened" she cryingly yelled.

He cupped her face, looked deep into her eyes and said "Whatever happened i don't care.. even if its the worst thing i don't care... coz i love you priya... and no matter what... i'm not leaving you.. and please don't stress yourself up okay... take your time... i'm here only.. but just calm down first"

She stood gazing into those dark chocolate orbs and his words did make her calm. Her sobs stopped and he slowly wiped her tears.

"I love you" he whispered and gave a deep kiss on her forehead which she relished by closing her eyes.

The kiss meant that he loves her and is always with her no matter what!

He took her in his embrace and she rested her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeats... she felt safe and content.

After some minutes of peaceful silence he said slowly not breaking the vibe "did you eat anything?"

She slightly nodded her head in no over his chest.

"I'll order your fav pizza?" He asked in the same tone.

She again nodded in no.

"Then what do you want?"

"Nothing" she whispered.

He caressed her hair "But you need to have something priya... its not good to be empty stomach for long and then how will i fight with my hitler then.. maza nahi aayega yaar" He whined in the end.

she softly chuckled which made him smile. "So tum kha rahi ho abhi... aur main khilaunga tumhe apne haathon se... okay?"

"Okay" she whispered and closed her eyes and held him tightly.

"Pulav order kardun?"


"Chorrne ka iraada hai ya aisehi order karun?"

"Aise hi"

He chuckled and dropped a kiss on her head "Okay"

He held her firmly from one hand and slid out his phone from his pant with the other. He placed the order and wrapped the other arm back around her.

In minutes he felt little heaviness on him.. he opened his eyes.. and found that she was falling on him and not standing by herself "Priyaa" he called her out and tried parting a little

He cupped her face with one hand while the other was around her "priyaa"

She slowly opened her eyes which looked dead tired and in dire of sleep..

She dozed off in his arms listening to the peaceful lub dub of his heart...

"Get fresh, have some food and then sleep okay" he said softly.

She nodded slightly and went back in his embrace. She started dozing off again when he called her out "Priya don't sleep now..." and pulled her little away.

He slowly guided her towards the room and asked her to wash her face.

"Ram pls... can i sleep" she murmured.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Have food first" saying so he moved out and grabbed the parcel.

He came in and saw she had sat on the bed resting against the bedrest but looking completely exhausted. He sat infront of her.

He opened the box and took a spoonful to her mouth. She had little bit on his insistence.

After tucking her in... she held his hand as her eyes were dropping "please stay, don't leave" she whispered.

He sat beside her and held her palm "I'm not going anywhere, i love you.."

She gave a small smile which he reciprocated and started patting her head slowly. Her eyes immediately dropped while he kept on looking at her. Seeing her in such state today, his eyes became moist.

He pecked her forehead lightly and then on the knuckle of her hand which had entwined his hand firmly... as though scared that he'll leave.


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