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He slowly rubbed the cheese present on the corner of her lower lip with his thumb.

She closed her eyes when she felt his touch. He looked at her and her reacting positively made his heart leap in joy.

He moved his hand away and looked at her who slowly opened her doe eyes. They were so lost into each other's eyes that they didn't care about anything else in the world.

After a couple of minutes she looked away and turned to pick the cups. She handed him a cup and moved towards the small balcony. He silently followed her and both stood against the railing with little distance between each other.

There was an awkward silence. He sipped the coffee and broke the silence "Kaafi acchi bani hai coffee"

She looked at him "Thanks" and sipped hers.

"who is your fav hero?" He asked.

"Srk and yours?"

"Hero nahi heroine... Vidya" he winked.

"Nice choice" she smiled.

She is opening up... didn't react negatively in the kitchen... awesome progress ram! He mentally patted himself.

Slowly they talked about what they like... he told her about cricket, business, food... while she told him about books and also ram and priya had a banter over india and australia which were their fav cricket teams respectively.

They shared few fun incidents of their families and giggled and laughed.

They didn't realize but they spent a good amount of time talking random things beside their likes and dislikes.

It was 12:30AM when they came in to keep their cups.

He bid her goodnight and left.

For the next two days, after their work... they would catch up at her home for dinner and later have coffee with lots of banters.

One day they ordered his fav punjabi food and the next day her fav chinese food.

They got damn comfortable with each other and ram was very happy as he was getting close to her and also getting to know her.

He would leave for his house around midnight. Priya felt good around him.

They continued meeting and chatting for another couple of days. Not only ram but now priya too would wait for the evening to arrive.

She couldn't help herself think about their banters and the time they spend... sitting in her cabin.

Also ram didn't do anything wrong in these 4 days which didn't ruin anything between them.

Today too she was waiting for him wearing a sky blue tunic and jean. It was 8:45PM and he hadn't come yet.

She messaged him but came no reply. His last seen was in the afternoon.

She called him and on the last ring someone picked

"Hello priya, this is vikram... ram's friend"

"Anything happened? Where is he?" She asked as vikram sounded tensed.

"He's unconscious due to high fever... doctor is here now... i'll call you later?"

"Okay" she said and he hung up. Priya got worried. Without any second thought, she grabbed her phone and keys and left for Kapoor Mansion.

She entered the mansion and was guided by the buttler to ram's room.

She stepped in his room and found him sleeping on his bed. She saw a man beside him.

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