The Past

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After few hours she woke up and found ram beside her.... resting his head on the headrest.

Her hand entwined in his. A small smile adorned her lips. As she sat up, he opened his eyes and sat straight looking at her

"You okay?" He asked concerned.

Her heart warmed seeing him so concerned for her always. She looked down at their hand and then back at him and nodded her head with a smile.

He so wanted her to let her fears out but at the same time didn't wanna give her any kind of stress.

"Coffee?" He asked.

She nodded her head in no and looked down, still not letting go of his hand.

He lifted her chin up and said "Priya, i won't force you but let out your insecurities, your fear, your past... it'll make you feel good! Trust me... i'm here and whatever it is.. I'll accept you with it" with this he pressed her palm a little which was in his hand.

She kept looking at him and her eyes teared up seeing his love.

"You ready darling?" He asked.

She knew he has to know and it has to come out to him one day... his love and affection gave her a sense of security that he is with her no matter what...

She slowly nodded her head.

He smiled and stood up, pulling her up. He let go of her hand "First get fresh, i'll wait outside"

She nodded and he left the room. She went in to get fresh with numerous thoughts but determined to tell him all today.

She came out wearing a trackpant and tshirt. She saw him sitting in the balcony against the sliding glass door.

She silently went to him and sat beside him. Her fragnance was so good that he inhaled a good amount before saying "You're beautiful"

She blushed and he slid his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. Both had their legs spread out and she laid her head on his shoulder. He held her palm in his other hand gently

"Just say your heart out, i'll never judge you priya..."

She looked at the sun setting and being in his arms was nothing less than solace. She exhaled deeply as he slowly caressed her knuckle with his thumb, she started...

"Di always loved abhay jeeju right from her college times. They are college lovebirds. I was in first year, when someone started sending di anonymous love letters, gifts, texts... she told this to abhay jeeju... it continued for somedays. And then one day they came to know that it was Ashwin, my senior in college. But that time they didn't tell me as di and jeeju asked me to concentrate on my studies rather than getting involved in such stuffs.. and jeeju assured that he'll handle it. Ashwin was mad behind my di. He was ready to do anything for her. But di yelled at him very badly and jeeju toh even beat him up. I had no idea that all this happened but one day they did inform me that the guy is caught and they've handled it and there is no need to drag police or parents unnecessarily. So we left at it and moved on with life.... I entered my second year... our group people started mingling with the final year students as now our wing was closer to theirs. Some days later.... my group and a final year group decided to hang out together... that's when i met..." Her eyes teared up and she gulped down a lump in her throat.

"It's okay" Ram whispered and slowly rubbed her arm.

"I met ashwin and he was very good to me and just like me, that what he potrayed. He was too into books and we talked a lot on them. Slowly, we became close. Almost after two months he proposed me and i too felt he is the one. We used to enjoy, hangout, also go out with our respective groups and everyone knew about us. It was all so good and smooth... he graduated, i came to my final year final semester. We were so madly in love was what i believed. But on the night of the final year party of our batch...."

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