Seeking Comfort

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"Ram you here?" Vikram asked.

"Thought, I could use a friend" Ram answered blankly standing at his friend's doorstep.

"Definitely buddy, come in" Vikram moved aside to let him in.

They settled on the couch oppsite each other and ram said "Get me scotch"

Vikram looked at him for seconds and then brought a bottle with two glasses.

He made a drink for them and handed over a glass to ram who was lost somewhere.

"Ram, you went on dinner with priya right?"

Ram just nodded.

"Then what happened?"

He now looked at vikram and explained everything that happened there.

"What should i do vikram? She is thinking that she is saving herself but actually she is just hurting herself" He said helplessly and gulped the drink in one go.

"Relax ram, i feel we should give her time"

He looked at vikram "What do you mean?"

"She hates you, she doesn't like if someone tries to know her, she is short tempered, she is happy in her own space.."

"Really? She is happy in her own space? I don't think so... she has bloody caged herself" Ram vented.

Vikram too raised his voice a bit "So what ram? You think you can help her? If so... who are you to her? Why would she allow a stranger who appeared out of nowhere to indulge in her life!"

Ram tried to find words but couldn't and just poured himself another drink and gulped it down.

"Listen, don't hurry!" Vikram said calmly.

"I really want to help her vikram, i can't see her like this... today she stood there in a vulnerable state... her eyes... i still can't forget her teary eyes... so much pain was there in those eyes... I don't know but i felt so helpless that I couldn't do anything to take her out of that pain" His voice choked as he spoke.

Vikram got up and took a seat beside him and kept his hand on his shoulder and said firmly "I know you'll bring her out of that pain, but now give her some time"

Ram looked at him while vikram continued "Don't pressurize her... let her be now"

"So i shouldn't meet her now?" He asked sadly.

Vikram nodded his head and ram looked away and gulped down his drink.

Vikram repeated "Ram don't meet her" stressing upon each word.

Ram looked at him once before leaning back and closing his eyes.


She wokeup with the banging on the door and immediately rushed to open the door.

"Priyaa, you'll become late hurry up" Shipra said and went away.

Priya glanced at the clock and rushed to the washroom.

She came out in a yellow tunic and jean and joined the fam on the dining.

"Hey princess why are you looking so sad... you didn't even wish your maasi good morning" Priya said looking at a gloomy riya.

"Princess?" She called her out on getting no reply from her.

"Priya your princess is sad because we have to leave for delhi today" Radhika said taking a seat.

"What? Why? You were here for a week right? It's only been two days dii"

"Your jeejs called, he'll have to leave for a business trip to thailand.. so he's taking riya and me with him"

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