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After seeing her he held her firmly

"Priya!" He patted her cheek "Priya aankhein kholo priyaa"

Vikram said "I'll call a doctor" and took out his mobile.

A hotel staff said "Sir, you can take ma'am to a room"

Ram nodded and picked her in his arms. The hotel staff led them towards a room on the 5th floor.

Entering the room he kept her gently on the bed and sprinkled some water on her face. But she didn't gain consciousness.

"Why isn't she waking up" He said worriedly.

He lookedup to find the staff staring down at priya who was in a one piece with her soft legs bare to their view.

He gritted "Leave" and the staff immediately left the room.

He took the blanket and covered her properly.

Vikram entered "Ram the doctor is on the way and here, her phone which fell down there" He forwarded her phone to Ram.

He took it and kept it in his coat pocket.

"What is she doing here?" Vikram asked after glancing at her.

"I don't know but looks like she came to party" He said looking at her.

"Should we inform her family?"

Ram looked at him "Let the doctor come first then lets see"

After few minutes the doctor entered.

He checked her and turned to them with "She is fine, just a panic or stress attack it is"

Ram sighed "But why isn't she gaining consciousness"

"I'll give her an injection, she'll be awake in an hour or two"

Ram nodded and the doctor started filling a syringe.

"Vikram, after she is awake i'll drop her home. You leave"

"Okay buddy, takecare" Vikram patted ram's shoulder

He went until the door and turned with "By the way, she's very beautiful" and winked at ram.

Ram blushed and vikram left chuckling.

After injecting her the doctor too left and ram locked the door.

He went and sat on the chair opposite to the bed and looked at her.

Why was she running? Or who was she running from? What is it priya?

After about an hour, he saw sweat beads forming on her forehead and her breathing became heavy as she is trying hard to breath.

He got up and rushed to her side and sat next to her.

She started murmuring "No! No... Please go away please"

He patted her cheek "Priya! Wake up"

"Please go" she became restless.

He got worried "Priya wakeup no one's here... Priya!"

She shot open her eyes and finding ram close to her she panicked and started moving backwards in a fast pace until she hit the bedrest, clutching the blanket over her.

Ram stood up "Relax priya, its me! You're safe here"

Tears formed in her eyes "Go away" she screamed.

"Priyaa you're safe! Relax please"

She looked around "How did i come here?... What did you do?" She asked trembling and tears rolled down her cheeks.

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