The Kiss

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They reached the beach and walked until the shore... there were some rocks on which they settled next to each other with a little distance between them.

The cool breeze blowing, the sound of the waves and only two of them under a sky full of stars... was just magical.

Priya had her eyes closed and a smile playing on her lips... just enjoying the moment of peace and calmness. He was looking at her with a smile and loved the comfortable silence between them amidst the nature.

After few minutes, she opened her eyes and while looking ahead she spoke "This place gives me peace..."

She continued as he looked at her "After that i was stunned and only name which came..."

"Priyaa" Ram interrupted... "It's okay, you don't need to stress... we can continue tomorrow if..."

"No ram, please... i want you to know everything today... the way you handled me gave me assurance that you are with me and you'll not leave me..." She gulped down a lump as her eyes teared up. He moved near her and held her hand in his. He gave a gentle peck on her knuckle and whispered "Always with you"

A small smile formed on her lips ... these small gestures of love and affection which he expresses are very special for her as it makes her feel damn special.

She looked ahead at the waves and said "I was so shocked then and only name which came to my mind was of abhay jeeju... i called him and he was there within 15mins. He saw the mess and the mess which i was in. If it wasn't for jeeju... then i would not be here today. I told him everything and then he called some people and got it all cleaned... i don't know what they did with his body but just knew that he'll never be found. Jeeju knew some one from the police so he helped us with it. Luckily for us... ashwin was an orphan... so there wasn't much investigated about him. College was also over.... everyone got busy with their lives. Jeeju explained everything to dii and both of them did scold me for not informing them prior about ashwin but they also supoorted me... I was always scared that what if i get another ashwin in my life... so i never got into a relationship ever again... and also even if i got... the person after knowing the truth will abandon me..."

Tears rolled down her cheek. She turned her head towards him "But then... you came and you're still here... you're the best thing happened to me ram... thankyou and sorry for the way i behaved with you and..."

He kept his finger on her lips "Shh... you don't have to apologize and feel guilty for anything... I never took it to my heart coz i knew this isn't you... and i'll always love you.... and you know what?" He cupped her face.

"What?" She slowly said.

"After knowing all these.. my love for you has only increased" He smiled followed by her.

He wiped her cheeks "and please no more crying... tumhare chehre pe sirf smile hi achhi lagti hai... aur kabhi kabhi fula hua muh jisme tum bohot sexy lagti ho"

"Youuu" she smacked his arm and both laughed as he took her in his hug.

They got up and started walking along the shore... hand in hand.

The atmosphere was romantic and both were stealing glances of each other as they walked slowly.

He halted and tugged her close.

"what happened?" she asked.

"Something's pending remember?" He winked.

She scrunched her brows and he slid his arms around her waist pulling her closer... she was startled by the sudden move and rested her hands on his chest due to the pull.

He looked deep into her eyes "Yaad aaya?"

That's when she realized what was he referring to and looked down biting her lower lip with a tinge of blush adorning her cheeks.

He smiled seeing her like this... "lagta hai yaad aagaya aapko"

She closed her eyes. He lifted her chin up and cupped her cheek, while the other arm held her firmly from her waist.

Her eyes still closed... he looked at her plush lips... he leaned in and moved near her lips... his hot breath blew on her lips which made her heartbeats rapid. She clutched his shirt... he looked at her and knew she too wanted it.

He closed his eyes and slowly pressed his lips on hers.... they sighed and ram softly sucked on her upper lip. His hand on her cheek slid behind her neck... angling it according to his needs. Her arms went behind his neck and slowly threaded into his silky hair.

In seconds, she started responding and sucked on his lower lips making him sigh. They kissed ever so softly... sucking and pecking simultaneously.

Their first kiss was indeed special... not only the way they kissed but at beach, under the starry sky... with small waves crashing at their feets and cool breeze blowing around them.... but their hot and happening kiss felt never ending.

They had to break apart due to lack of air... both were panting... and her eyes were still closed. He looked at her and whispered "This was the best kiss ever"

She opened her eyes and nodded her head blushing. He smiled and pecked her forehead "Thank you priya... thank you for letting me love you... for trusting me and for loving me"

She hugged him tight while he wrapped his arms around her... crushing her more into him.

"This feels as if we are made for each other... the only missing piece of my soul... is now with me" He whispered.

Can she be anymore luckier?!... she felt.

"I love you so much ram..." she uttered with teary eyes... the love he has for her was so overwhelming!

"I love you too priya" He said and both stood in each other's arms... feeling the moment...away from the world but near to their peace!


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