Parting Ways?

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They reached a 7 star hotel and were led towards a small private place in the lawn which was dimly lit and had a table for two in the centre with some covered bowls, the place was decorated with flowers and a soft music in the background.

It was a small and pleasant setup overall. Priya irked seeing all this while ram was happy. He thanked the manager who then left them alone.

She turned towards him "What the hell is all this?"

"Dinner date" he innocently replied.

She exhaled "Listen mister, enough is enough! You can't keep using your cheap tactics and make me do all this"

"Priya I'm sorry okay but you weren't ready for anything and behaved so rudely all the time..."

"So you'll do all this?" She cut him in between angrily.

He sighed "Can you calm down please? Let's sit and talk"

"I'm not interested to sit and talk with you... I'm here to clear you that I've nothing for you and I'm not interested in all this stupid things" She said in one go.

His heart somewhere pinched but he managed to say "Okay but atleast you can do me a favor by having dinner with me tonight? A normal dinner where you aren't rude? Where you are The Priya Sharma whom i met on the first day?"

She looked at him for few seconds

What is this guy! I hit him, was even rude to him... still he is calm and... am i doing wrong? No no... argh i don't know... but yea atleast i can have a dinner with him which he wants so it'll atleast lessen the burden of being rude and insensitive and also maybe he'll never trouble me after this...

He kept looking at her and she looked at him and gave a small nod which made him smile.

"Thank you so much" He said and moved towards the table, pulling out a chair for her.

She moved ahead "You don't need to do all this as i've agreed to dinner... it's just for formality that you've arranged all this and.."

"And?" He looked in her eyes.

"And maybe you'll stop troubling me after this" she said coldly.

His face fell but he managed to give a small smile and took his seat as she took hers.

"Um, i didn't know what you like so I ordered a mix of italian and north indian" he said.

She didn't tell anything and pulled up the lids of the bowls one by one to find pizza, pasta, chicken curry, dal makhani, naans and tandoori rotis.

She looked at him who was already looking at her.

She looked down and picked a roti and served herself some dal.

He served himself little of almost everything and looked at her plate.

"Tum sirf yeh khaogi?"

She looked up at him "Yeah"

"You don't like italian? What do you like? I'll order that"

"Kuch nahi chahiye, I'm fine" she said slowly.

"Okay take some curry atleast" saying so he picked the spoon to serve her when she kept her hand on her plate saying

"I'm a vegetarian"

"Oh I'm sorry i didn't know... I'll ask to clear this and get some...."

"No it's okay, please continue"

"You can have pasta, it's veg"

"Can you shutup and have your food" she snapped.

"You lose your chill too soon" He said taking a bite of pizza.

She glared at him and silently ate.

"You know you were so damn sweet the first day" he said trying to kill the silence.

"Yeah coz you weren't a jerk until then" She casually replied.

He chuckled "Wow! If liking someone is called a jerk then i don't know what those are called who are actually jerks"

"They are called The Ram Kapoor" she smirked.

He leaned in a bit "Madam your sense of humour is commendable and i guarantee 'not offended' " He winked.

She rolled her eyes and with the last bite she said "I'm done"

"What?! You're done? So soon?"


"Ek roti se kya hota hai priya, come on have one more atleast"

"I said I'm done" she said firmly.

He looked at her "Okay relax"

He looked at his place which had pasta untouched and naan half eaten whereas the slice of pizza done.

He looked up "I'm done too" to which she didn't reply.

"Dessert?" He asked.


"Um, okay"

"Hope we'll go our ways now and you won't interfere in my life again" she said looking at him.

"Why?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" She scrunched her brows.

"Why are you like this priya? Why have you locked yourself into someone who isn't you"

"You don't know me so better not talk"

"But i want to know you and as far as i've observed you... I can confidently say that i mean what i said"

She stood up followed by him.

"How dare you? I agreed to have dinner with you and..." She gritted.

"Priya look i don't want to see you suffer like this... i know you aren't like this..."

"It's just a day and before that i met you only twice..."

"Whatever it is... but i've seen loneliness in your eyes... i've felt you're hiding yourself behind those harsh words of yours... when you are with riya you're happy... other than that you're just locking yourself in"

Her eyes brimmed "Enough Mr.Ram!"

He looked into her eyes "See, it hurts... it hurts because it is true" He said very softly.

She looked away and controlled her tear to not slip away.


She turned to him "Bas! Thankyou for the dinner... and never show your face again" She said coldly and started walking away.

He looked at her retreating figure and her brimmed eyes was all coming back infront of his eyes.

He sighed and looked around the place for few seconds before moving towards his car.

On the other hand, she caught a taxi. His words were constantly playing in her head. Tears spilled out of her eyes, her mind took her back to the dreadful day of her life.

The horn brought her back to the world and she found herself under her apartment. She paid the driver and went up.

She opened the main door with a key and silently moved to her room. Everyone had slept and she knew a sleepless night was ahead her now.

She went to the washroom and freshened up and changed in to her night clothes. She sat on her bed and looked into oblivion.

Her phone pinged with a reminder of an important meeting the following day. She had to sleep somehow to be fresh. She walked to her cupboard and took her handbag out.

From the inner most zip, she took a small strip and took out a tablet and broke it into two, keeping an half back and locking the handbag back into the cupboard... she moved towards her bed.

She gulped down the half tablet and laid down. Soon sleep engulfed her and drove her away from the real world.


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