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Priya was crying copiously while ram sat shocked. She left his hand and blabbered while crying "You hate me.... you will go... i'm bad"

His eyes were moist. He held her firmly around her shoulder and pulled her to his chest.

"Shh priyaa, I'm not going anywhere" Ram said as tears threatened to fall off his eyes.

She rubbed her face more into him while he rubbed her back.

"Priya you're the strongest woman i know.." He said.

"He deserved that...I'm proud of you"

She looked up with tears smudged face.

He cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears "Yes, you're amazing and i feel it wasn't wrong what you did... it was nothing but self defense... not anyone in your place could do that... so be proud of yourself... Ashwin was a bad guy who was given chances to change... but he only became worse.. so you're not bad priya.. you're amazing... what if he did something similar to someone else... you've saved lives... maybe it's wrong according to the law ... but still today nothing has changed... this is the punishment such people deserve and i'm proud of you!" He gave a small smile to her.

"And it's good to improve yourself... but don't change yourself... be you no matter what people do or say... because due to some past experiences or some people it's not good to shut yourself in a nutshell... not everyone is bad. Just be more careful about whom you wanna keep in your life"

She kept looking at him with tearful eyes

"understood?" He caressed her cheek with his thumb.

She just slightly nodded her head and crashed herself back to his chest.

"I love you priya" He said as he tightened his grip around her.

"Thank you ram" was all she could utter.

Still tears rolled down her cheek.... feeling blessed to have got ram.

They stayed like that for minutes.

"Ram really... you won't leave me and feel i'm terrible" she asked in the hug.

"Ofcourse priya.. your past speaks that you're a very strong woman... and i'm only happy and proud to have you"

Priya held him tightly and he dropped a kiss on her head.

He parted and said "Now stop crying okay, i can't see you like this yaar" and wiped her cheeks.

He looked into her eyes "I'm glad that i got a girl like you"

Her eyes teared up "I'm so lucky to have you" she whispered.

He gave his sweet smile and kissed her forehead deeply.

"Let's go out?"

She furrowed her brows "Now?"

"Nahi nahi main toh bas timepass ke liye puch raha hun" He mocked and she lightly smacked his arm.

"I wanna stay here with you" she said.

"You feeling better?" He asked.

She nodded her head and mimed "Thank you"

"Thank you se kaam nahi chalega madam" He winked.

"Ek kiss toh dena padegaa"

She flushed as he chuckled "'re so cute" and he quickly pecked her cheek making her flush more.

"God priya stop blushing like that warna..."

She hid her face in her palms and he pulled her into a hug chuckling.

He knew there was more to the story as in what happened after that... but wanted to give her some break and keep her happy. He felt peace whenever she smiled.

"Acha waise, if ghar pe hi rehna hai toh i was thinking to make dinner tonight"

Priya was surprised and parted with "You know to cook?"

"Toh kya samjha hai mujhe? Ofcourse i can" He said raising his collar which made her chuckle.

"Arey i'll prove you see..." saying so he got up and marched towards the kitchen and priya followed him.

He instructed her to stay in a corner while he cooks, though she helped him with the places where the things are kept.

As he cooked, Ram shared stories with her of how his mom taught him some dishes as he was a foodie and also loved to cook as much as he loved to eat. Priya too shared what she makes the best and how her mom and sister used to pamper her all the time.

Time flew and mix sauce pasta and garlic breads were ready to be relished upon.

"Wow this looks so yum" Priya exclaimed.

"It is yum" He winked.

They settled on the dining. Priya had a bite and moaned in pleasure "Mmmm...this is soooo damn goood"

She opened her eyes to see him staring at her "What?"

"Don't moan, kuch kuch hota hai" He said in a filmy tone.

"Trashhh" she smacked him and both laughed.

"By the way, thank you for the compliment and glad that you loved it" saying so he took her palm and pecked on her knuckle. She blushed.

"I always wanna see you happy priya.." He slowly said.

She looked at him "With you, I'm"

He smiled followed by her and both had the delicious dinner.

After dinner they settled in her room with him resting against the headrest and she next to him, with one of his arm around her.

He looked in her eyes "I love you"

"I love you too" she whispered.

Their eyes were locked for seconds before he said

"Priya, i saw sleeping pills lying beside your bed that day..."

She looked down. He lifted her chin up "Does anyone know that you take them?"

She nodded her head in no.

He sighed "Kab se le rahi ho?"

"From when the incident happened... but years later i've reduced it... just at times when i really need it"

"But from now on, you'll not take it okay?"

She nodded her head while he asked "Are you feeling lighter?"


He took her in his hug and she slowly said "you know, when you hold me close like this... i feel safe"

He smiled whereas she closed her eyes... listening to his heartbeats!

After around five minutes he broke the silence with "Let's go to beach?"

She parted and looked at him "I was gonna ask you the same"

Both chuckled. "So come on lets go" He said and both moved out of the house.


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