The Reunion

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His phone vibrated but he disconnected the call. It vibrated again "Hello" he said in a muffled voice.

"Ram kahan hai tu? Mana kiya tha na maine priya se milne ko?" Vikram bursted.

"You told me not to meet her, so i'm just looking at her"

"Are you mad? Come to the office right now"

"Any meeting?"


"Okay so i'll be back in sometime" and he disconnected and concentrated back on her.

She was looking alright today. Dressed in a yellow tunic with light makeup... she was looking nothing less than a cute sunflower.

She was completely lost in the book which she had in hand and side by side sipped the cappuchino. At one point, the cappuchino made a moustache above her upper lips which made her run her tongue over it. Sigh, i so wanted to clean it myself by running my tongue over her plush and inviting lips! I know, it'll feel out of the world to kiss her.

Yeah as said, i shouldn't meet her... but i wanted to see her after what happened last night. So i reached her office and before i could get down, she appeared and sat in her car and then I followed her here.

Few strands of her hair fell on her face which instantly made her pout and her hands started tying them up. Now it made me pout as she looks beautiful in open hair. But as she tied her hair in a bun and went back to her reading... she still looked beautiful plus cute now, which made me smile.

Gosh! I can keep looking at her the whole day. My phone vibrated making me irk

"Vikram i said i'll be there in sometime and don't worry i'm not meeting her"

"Okay but you need to come, don't you remember we have an important meeting today evening with the US team"

"Oh shit! On my way" saying so he disconnected and glanced at her for the last time before leaving.

Time passed and she looked at her watch to be 1:30PM now. She smiled as it had been long that she got some time like this to spend it at her fav place.

She ordered some sandwiches as she wasn't feeling much hungry.

While having the sandwiches, she scrolled through her phone. Ram's name came to her notice and she thought That guy was something, but thankgod he's stopped his nonsense.

But the encounter last night flashed back and made her uncomfortable. She tried distracting herself but couldn't and left without having the half sandwich.

She reached home and opened her laptop and scrolled through some work mails.

Her phone buzzed and she was surprised seeing the caller id.


"Hey priya! How have you been? I know its been years so sorry for that but glad to hear your voice after so long" Shruti, her college friend said.

"Hey shruti, same here and sorry too for not being able to be in contact"

"Its okay, i know everyone became busy in their lives yaar. So married?"

Priya sighed "No, you?"

"Yes, bakri halaal hogayi yaar" and both laughed "and we have a son"

"Wow congratulations" priya wished.

"Thankyou and i wanna meet you and not only you...we can also meet our batchmates" Shruti said excitedly.


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