The Brig

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Edd POV:
I groan a wake and sit up. I adjust my eyes to the darkness. I find myself behind some bars.

I stand up and carefully look around. I can't see anything not peaking through moonlight.

"I can't see....", I murmur.

"Will this help!", someone turns the light on all of a sudden.

The brightness hurts my eyes and I close them. I cover my face and groan.

"Butthead!", I said.

They laugh and I finally look at them. I glare at them.

"Tord.", I growl.

He clicks his tongue at me and I slam into the bars to get closer. I swing my arm at him and his simply leans back.

"No no no Tom! I'm Red leader now. You can't be so friendly with me!", said Tord.

"....", it took me a second to burst out laughing.

Tord watches me laugh at him, he blushes in embarrassment. He glared.

"What's so funny?", he said.

"Your the guy coping Matt! Hahahahaha", I laughed.

I dropped to the ground and began to hit it as I laughed, crying.

"What do you mean by that?", Tord glared.

"Did you really forget the time Zombie Matt took over the world? Ha! You are such a hack.", I wheezed out.
Tord left grumbling as Edd laughed his butt off. He walked over to Tom's cell in the brig.

Tom was eerily calm as he looked out the port hole with moon light coming out of it.

"Tord.", said Tom.

"Tom.", said Tord.

"We thought you died.", said Tom.

"Well, I didn't.", said Tord.

They did not speak. No one moved either.

"You left, came back, and let us think you were dead. You come back again, acted like we were fine.", Tom said.

Tom turned a round and look at Tord. Tord stared at Tom. Tom walked closer to Tord. He stopped a few inches from the bars.

Tom took out a flask and took a sip. Tord said nothing.

"I hate you.", said Tom in a dead tone.

"The feeling is mutual.", said Tord in an equally dead tone.

Tom turned from him and walked a way. Tord also walked a way. Tord walked to Matt's cell in the brig.
"Hi! Who are you, ugly monster?", Matt said.

Matt had gotten some motion sickness medicine and was feeling much better.

"I am Red Leader. You are my prisoner.", Tord didn't bother with Matt.

Tord just left as soon as Matt began talking without stop. Tord felt tired.


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