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Buzzing static fill his ears with its sound. He rolls over to his side, not wanting to move from his spot on the bed. Then a thump against metal chimps in to make his head ring. He grits his teeth before the violent motion of standing leave him dizzy.

The man clutches his head in aggravation. Looking up, he serves the dark room. Spacious as his room is, it's hard to tell with the clutter filling it up. The thumping turns out to be someone knocking on his door.

He sighs, not wanting to move but does so regardless. To the door he goes with the heaviness of his feet on the ground. Once the door opens, a man salutes him.


"The Press is-"

"Finally, Go. I'll be there in ten minutes nothing less."

"Yes S-"

He slams the sliding door shut with a press on the screen next to the door. Finally he turns the light on. A hologram of a window to show what's outside and robots deployed to tidy up while he gets dressed.


The man is overwhelming and eccentric. That is how he is described, period. No wants to fight this mad man nor do they want to get on his bad side with what he can do, what he has done.

Littering the halls and walls is a single banner all over this large base. Covered in the color red and yellow.

The Red Flag Of Fate, The Red Flag Of Death

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The Red Flag Of Fate, The Red Flag Of Death

Depending on whose prospective it would seem that way. The belief behind this banners meaning could be anything. The idea of passion or Disdain for neglect, it doesn't matter. How it is all handled does.

The man in charge bares not the sole responsibility, but the collective does for the collective all take part in the tribulations.


A wide yet dark room contains a large screen propped on the entire wall. Computers in rows in the middle of the room. People crowding the monitors and machines waiting for one person to show up.

As soon as he does, they stand up straighter while saluting him with serious expressions.

"Sir, preparations are complete."

"Turn on the monitor."

This man that they part for continues to walk a cross the room to a separate chair a way from the monitors.

This man that they part for continues to walk a cross the room to a separate chair a way from the monitors

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He sits in the chair and began to watch the show. On the screen is numerous news reports of attacks and missing persons reports. The main subject being a terrorist group calling themselves, The Red Army.

In unrelated news, a brief siting of a mysterious, large purple mass near an Asian food stand was captured on camera but the photo was blurry and unhelpful. The eye witnesses and their claims do nothing to help the matter.

It did peek the interest of the obviously powerful man.

"What a familiar feeling...", Muttered the man.

"Sir?", noted one of the soldiers next to him.

"It's nothing.", waved the man.

This man whose name can only be uttered by the most trustworthy and close individuals. The man thinks of something he didn't want to remember.

"I should see some old faces...", thought the man.


See you later~

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