Reconcile With Friends

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It's been so long since he's been here, that he almost backed out, almost.

Tom stood in front of Laurel's (and the Neighbors) door without knocking for sometime.

"What if she....would it be out of line? Sigh...", Tom murmurs to himself while pacing.

Eventually he worked up the nerve to knock on the door and waited for a reply.

Eventually he worked up the nerve to knock on the door and waited for a reply

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The door opened and there she was, Laurel, with a surprised expression. Tom lowered his head with a sweat and looked a way.

"Sorry, for showing up....", he apologized.

Laurel looked at him kindly as she opened her door to let him. After he walked into the apartment, he waited for her to say something.

"You can sit down if you want, the guys are out."

He did so, sitting on the couch as she walked into the kitchen.

"Want some tea?"

"Yes, please if you don't mind..."

"I have honey milk tea."

"That would be fine..."

Once she's finished pouring the tea, she walked over to him on the couch. She handed the cup to him and he nodded to her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. So what brings you here?"

"Well....I....", Tom pauses.

"I wanted to apologize about Movie night....I didn't mean to scare you..."

She looked confusedly at him until she realized he was talking about "Monster Tom".

She looked confusedly at him until she realized he was talking about "Monster Tom"

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"Tom.", she smiled at him and cupped his cheek while putting her cup down.


"You are my friend and I care about you. I was shocked but I thought you looked cute, like a puppy. That just adds to your appeal."

"What appeal? No one has ever stayed by my side, especially when they see that !"

"Then they weren't worth being a round in the first place, plus sometimes you have to figure out what you want when your with someone. If that someone isn't them, telling them what you feel and stopping right there is best. Those girls loved you, but love isn't just romantic."

"I know but..."

"Listen here, I'm your wing woman. I'll help you no matter what!"

"Thank you, the way...what happened to your dye? I never asked before now."

"Oh that? I haven't gone to the salon in a while."

"Is it because of that horrible date with that one hair dresser?"

"....Nah! I've just been stumped at work."

"Ew Work! Let's not talk about that!"

Laurel giggles and raises an eyebrow.

"Oh? What do you want to talk about then?"

"If it's about poems, no thank you!", a ruff voice interrupted.

Tom and Laurel looks over to see Eduardo and Mark walking in with groceries.

Tom and Laurel looks over to see Eduardo and Mark walking in with groceries

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"Oh don't be like that! You love my poems."

"No I don't and I don't want my afternoon nap to be disturbed with loud chatter!"

"I do like your poems, but I hate that smug look you make when I read them,'' thought Eduardo.

"Come on, Eduardo, have some tea with us! Mark is.'' said Tom.

Noting how Mark has already put up the groceries and is sitting down next to Laurel on a chair while Tom pours some tea in his cup.

"Mark, you're suppose to be on my side! Why do you always take her side? Ever since she's moved in you would gravitate towards her!"

Mark says nothing and looks away, a slight blush barely noticeable.

Mark says nothing and looks away, a slight blush barely noticeable

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Tom looks at him questioningly, but says nothing. Laurel is to busy deadpanning at Eduardo to pay attention and Eduardo is glaring at Mark for backstabbing him.

"Well? What do you have to say?"


Mark merely sips his cup of tea and then gets up to walk a way.

"Get back here!", Eduardo shouts.


Some people have no tack!

Any how, bye for now!

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