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As you, my readers, know that Tom wakes up earlier in the morning to clean himself and goof out until it's time to go to work. But, this time, without his knowledge the place he works at gets shut down because of health concerns.

So by the time, he walks to work there is a sign that says closed permanently. He then looks to the left when he sees his manager dragging an orange garbage bag to the dumpster.

 He then looks to the left when he sees his manager dragging an orange garbage bag to the dumpster

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They look up and grunts.

"Oh, Tom! Unpleasant to see you."

Tom curls in on himself with is hands clutching his sleeves.

"What's got you so angry? Where's the happy and enthusiastic Sheryl that brings her dog to work?"

"What's got you so angry? Where's the happy and enthusiastic Sheryl that brings her dog to work?"

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"She's dead, replaced by me. New Sheryl."

The content of the orange garbage bag spills and it's old Sheryl. Tom stares blankly before ignoring what's in front of him to continue asking questions.

[Skip here if you don't want to read about what happened to the Dog]





"Old Sheryl's dog."

"In a whole in the ground."



"Is he-"

"He's dead. Tom."

She looks up at him. New Sheryl is negative heartless, old Sheryl loved Ferri to much for the pain to go a way. So New Sheryl has to deal with it as well as clean up the blood stains.

 So New Sheryl has to deal with it as well as clean up the blood stains

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Tom frown at this and walked up to New Sheryl. He raps his arms a round her and she begins to sob. She beats his arms as she makes her loud screams. He grits his teeth and lets her bruise him. 

New Sheryl bites her bottom lip until it bleeds.

"He was the o-only thing that made me happy! Now he- he's gone!!! Old S-Sheryl couldn't handle it, w-what makes her think I could? I CAN'T! I CAN'T! he's gone....he was a good boy....."

New Sheryl violently pushes him a way and rubs her eyes. Picking up the orange bag with old Sheryl in it, she completely throws old Sheryl in the dumpster.

"....", New Sheryl stares at him before walking a way.



[You can read again here]

Tom watches New Sheryl leave him behind. He sighs and rubs his arm.

"That's going to bruise, isn't it?"

Tom hums a somber melody as he makes his way to a bar.

Once inside the bar, he sits down in front of the bar tender.

"What will you have?"

"Whisky and a shot of vodka."

Tom places down the money for it and waited with his head down. Soon enough, his cup and his shot arrived. Downing the shot first, he then takes a sip of the whisky. It makes him cough a bit before he finishes it off.

A couple of minutes later, he heads back it his apartment. A little tipsy, but still stable.


In his apartment, he lays down on his couch. His phone rings, the buzz echos in his ears. Sensitive to the sound, he covers his ears and curls inward like a ball.

The phone stops. Tom relaxes and shifts to lay on his back. Staring at the ceiling.

He thinks back to old Sheryl. Old Sheryl was a good person and now she's changed. She changed not for good or bad, she's just different now. Different ideas and beliefs.

Tom sits up and looks at the clock. It was blurry, so he leaned over to look closer. Still blurry.

He stands slowly and walks toward the clock and squints at the clock. Nothing.

"....I can't see....."

He barely managed to make out the time. Late into the evening, sighing he shakes his head.

"Might a well, go to bed early.....I don't have to get up. No job....Lame."



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