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The Red Leader sat in his throne / office room. His hand quickly signing his signature on his paperwork. His world domination has been going excellently. He clicked his tongue as he heard the door knock.

“Come in.” Red Leader says as the door opened. It revealed Paul and Patryck. They both held their hands as they look at their son.

“Are we going to attack London?” Paul asks as he looked at his husband Patryck lovingly for a moment. Both of there gazes landed onto each other but we're quickly interrupted by a harsh slam of a folder being tossed to them. The two looked over at the desk .

“Listen here. You are correct. We will be conquer London. We have too. It's part of my world, correct?” Red Leader asks his father's as he raised an eyebrow.

“Right, kiddo.” Paul replied.

“Excellent, so your skull does have a brain in there.” Tord insults as he stood up. His maroon cape sways for a moment as he approached the two.
“We have to find someone there.”


“Someone I truly miss. And would love to see.”

The two father's were slightly confused. But shrugged their shoulders.

“Thomas, you imbeciles!” Tord screamed out at his father's. He groaned. “My, God! You are stupid aren't you?!”

Paul and Patryck didn't respond. Only frowned a little from that.

“So sorry.” Tord apologized. More calmer than how he was before. “But we must find the three old friends I cherish. But most importantly, Thomas Thompson. You clear?”

Paul and Patryck nodded with a simple salute.

“Good, now let's prepare for London.” Red Leader says with a pyschotic laugh.

Red Leader stacked his paperwork as he left his office. He pressed a button. “Attention, Red Army! Head to the auditorium imediantly!” He commanded into the announcement speaker.

Walking out, he adjusted his maroon cape. He stood tall, even though he was a short leader. He was very intimidating to a lot of people. Especially countries he has already conquered. He already has conquered most of them. But his main goal was London, England. The United Kingdom. He folded his hands behind his back as he approached the auditorium's backstage.

He heard all his soldiers enter and sit in their seats. Red Leader took a deep breath before walking onto the stage. The soldiers went dead silent, eyes glued into their leader.

Now, You might be wondering why I brought you here today.” Red Leader began as he started to calmly pace around the stage. He didn't need a mic. His voice was loud enough to have the soldiers getting chills down their spines.

“It's simple!” He beamed and raised his hands in the air. His robotic arm had a faint glow of light blue, signifying that it was on.

“We will be taking over London. The, UK. Britain. Whatever–We need it. It should be easy to conquer, since.. they aren't as strong as our army!”

The soldiers clapped and cheered. But then went silent when Red Leader held his hand up.

“If you see someone; with a blue hoodie. Spiked hair, height of 5'6. Do not shoot. Do not kill. Bring this man to me. I'll deal with him. However, if you see a green hooded male, 5'2..or a purple hooded male, 6'1.. shoot them for injury. But do not kill. Understand me?”


“Good. We shall head to London. Approximately, by..now. Everyone be prepared by then.”


"Great, now you are dismissed.” Red Leader says, ending his speech as he watched soldiers flooded out of the large auditorium. Red Leader however left through the backstage. He takes out a small box of cigars from his pocket. He pressed on against his lips. Taking out a lighter, he lit the cigar. He noticed Paul and Patryck talking amongst each other.

“You're flying a plane. Do not crash it.” Red Leader says to the two. Walking away before they could object.

Red Leader went back into his office. He shoved open the window and blew smoke outside. He watched from the window. He noticed his soldiers were doing as told. Getting vans, planes, helicopters, and other military equipment they had prepared for the conquering of London.

He chuckled lowly as he flicked the cigar out the window. Getting off the window sill. He dusted himself off and opened a small drawer.

“Ready to see Tom again, 'Red' ”? He asked his desert eagle. But of course the weapon did not reply. He shoved the gun into his hoister and then grabbed his car keys that were hanging up by the office door.

He walked down the long staircase. His boots were dead silent. Nobody heard him walk. He went out the exit and went to his red car. He unlocked the car door and went inside.

“Are we ready?!” Red Leader shouted out through the  rolled down window. They all cheered.
“Alright! Let's move!” Red Leader ordered .

The vehicles began to move. Planes in the air, helicopters too. Red Leader firmly gripped his steering wheel. He narrowed his red eye. The eyepatch remained on his right eye. He sped up, same with the others.

“Here I come, Tom.”


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