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Tord didn't sleep that night. In fact, the man hasn't been sleeping. Not because of his stubbornness, but because of the situation he was currently in.

He slowly got out of his bed when he noticed the familiar yellow ball of the sun rising. The sky was blue and purple. White fluffy clouds slowly moving across the sky. Birds were chirping. As a small gust of wind blew.

His cold gaze looked down at his boyfriend. He must've forgotten that he was still laying on top of him.

Tom is fast asleep. He was still laying on his back. His injured leg was hanging halfway off the bed. The bandages still firmly wrapped around his injury.

Tord got off of Tom's sleeping body. He stood up and stretched his arms. Before lowering his head and kissing Tom's cheek.

He decided that he should call Edd and Matt. He knew they were in a different time zone than them.

Walking over to his little desk that was in his bedroom. He grabbed his phone. He then walked out of the bedroom to his office area.

Sitting into the large throne-like-chair, he opened up Edd's contact. He knew calling Edd would be easier, more efficient and more listening.

He dialed Edd's phone number. The phone rang for a few minutes. Tord anxiously tapped his foot onto the floor as his old friend didn't answer. He decided to leave a  voice message first.

“Hey!–Uh, it's Tord. I just wanted to call because I have something urgent we should discuss about. I know you probably didn't answer your phone on purpose, I am shocked you haven't even blocked me.. haha, Uh, anyway.  please call me back. Bye.”

The norwegian hanged up the phone once he finished his message. Placing his phone onto the big wooden desk. He held his head into his hands. He let out nervous yet calm deep breaths. He remembered what Tom told him. He needed to breathe. He couldn't lash out his emotions like that no longer, or he'll end up hurting somebody or himself.

He closed his eyes for a moment. But he knew he shouldn't have done that. The exhaustion crawled up to him. His head slowly slumped into his arms and he fell asleep on his desk.

Soft snores left the norwegians lips as footsteps approached. Tom has woken up from hearing Tord's talking. He smiled slightly as he went over. He takes off his blue hoodie and draped it over Tord's shoulders. Now shirtless, he decided that'll be fine.

He kissed Tords head. Once suddenly, he heard his own phone ring. Tom takes his phone out to reveal it to be Edd's contact information.

Tom furrowed his eyebrows as he answered the call. He walked over to the large window.

“Ello?” Tom says into the phone.

“Hey, Tom.”

“Hey, Edd.”

“I noticed Tord called me. But I refused to answer him. Why did he suddenly call me? Is he planning on killing us now?”

“What? no! He won't do such thing.” Tom replied as he started to walk back into the large bedroom that the two shared.

“Tom, how do you know that? He shot you in your leg while you were trying to escape with us. Are.. are you planning on escaping again?”

Tom felt his throat go stiff. He opened up Tords closet so he find a shirt to wear. He started to look through the closet as he held his phone with one hand. Answering the Brit that was back in London.
“No, no I'm not planning on coming back to London.”

Edd went wide eyed on the other end. Matt was listening to the phone on speaker. He was too busy at looking at himself in one of his precious mirrors.
“Why not?! Tord is going to end up murdering you! He isn't like how he use to be Tom. He.. isn't anymore.”

Tom furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed a large box on top of the shelf that was in the closet.
“He won't do such thing..he loves me.”

“Loves you?”

Tom gulped as he stood there now in the silent closet.
“Yes, Edd. I'm dating him now.”

Edd gasped into the phone. Matt even looked at the phone now. His mirror was gripped much tighter in his hand now.
“Dating a world conqueror?! a dictator?!”

Tom growled a bit. His digital eyes turned purple for a moment before going back to green. He has to stay calm.“I don't care about that anymore! I see the good in him. There must be an honest reason why he's actually doing this, right?” Tom says more irritated.

Edd clenched his phone tightly in his small hand. “Yeah.. I suppose you're right, but why him Tom? You hated him.”

“I never actually hated him.”

The phone call went silent for a moment. Only the soft sounds of their breathing can be heard on the phone line.

“Did you hear me Edd? I said, I never hated him.” Tom repeated.

“Y-yes, yes I heard you. But, why would you start fights with him those years ago?”

“Because he started them with me. You know what Edd? Let me tell you something!”


“I actually love Tord! Yes! I love him. He makes me happy. Even if we aren't the best at this relationship type of thing, even it may be viewed as toxic to some, but I love him! Y-you we're right, I was enemies with Tord! I built that rebellion to go against him! But if you even think about hurting him, I'll do something that I will regret doing.” Tom says, his voice dropping with rage and anger.

“I wasn't planning anything, Tom. I don't know this rebellion information as much as you do.. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to be safe and home. But I couldn't live by myself in my apartment any longer. I am now living with Matt because of the anxiety that dictator put us through.”

“Stop calling him that!” Tom shouted into the phone. He leaned against the wall that was in the closet. He snarled quietly.

“Fine. But you know he's going to hurt you one day.”

“News flash, he already did. Yet, I don't care. He went through shit as a child. I may not know the details but, I do know that it did something to his psyche. Even before this world domination crap, he had violent outbursts and would always be obsessing over technology and science when he lived with us!”

“I s-suppose you're right..”

“Now, the next time he calls you. You answer that phone. He really has something to say to you and Matt.” Tom says and then hangs up the phone before Edd could reply.

He shoved his phone into his pocket and looked back up at the large box above him.

“Now what's inside this box?..”

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