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Tord eyed Tom lovingly. They couldn't separate their gazes from each other.

“Is your leg feeling alright?” Tord asked.

No, to be honest with you. It's still extremely sore.”

Tord giggled a bit as he carefully placed his hand onto Tom's injured leg. Tom winced but allowed it. Tord slowly rubbed Tom's thigh.
“I'm sorry.” he whispered as he leaned up and kissed Tom's forehead.

“Stop apologizing to me. It's okay now.” Tom replied as he kissed Tords little dimple he had.

“Okay..” Tord muttered he laid his head onto Tom's chest. His facial expression expressed guilt. He keeps getting flashbacks of everytime he hurt Tom. Which made him feel worse.

Tom moved his finger tips into Tords hair. He started to lightly comb through it with his fingers. Realizing that Tords hair was down and not in a ponytail this time. His hair felt extremely soft, which was actually shocking to the Brit.

Tord leaned into the touch. His heart fluttered. He deeply did miss this touch after all. He sighed softly as he felt little scratches on the top of his head.

“Y’know.. you still have two more people you have to apologize too.”

Tord furrowed his eyebrows at that. He partially lifted his head but Tom used his hand and lightly shoved Tords head back down onto the Brits chest.

“You need to apologize to Edd and Matt.”

Tords throat went stiff. He bolted up and looked at Tom with fear and worriness.
“What?! Oh god no! I-i can't talk with them! They- they hate my guts! Both of them.. I was going to wipe their memories! I-i ruined their friendship and trust with me..!” Tord screamed out in a panic. His voice chords crackled as felt his hands start to tremble.

Tom frowned when he noticed Tords panicked expression. He held onto Tords hands. “Love, you're loosing control of your emotions again. You need to calm down. You have to breathe.

Tord felt his eyes water. Tom squeezed Tords hands as he brought them close. He kissed Tords fleshed lefty hand. Which calmed down Tords nerves a bit. He slowly started to take deep breaths as Tom continued to leave little kisses on his face and jawline.

“Are you feeling okay now..?” Tom whispered as he brushed his thumb against Tords hand. Tord nodded slowly as a tear dropped down his face.

Tom kissed away the tear. He brought Tord close and then gently crashes his lips onto the norweigans. Tord returned the kiss. They kissed softly for a moment before pulling away.

“Call them tomorrow.” Tom says softly as he looked over to the large window. Realizing how dark it has gotten. “Man, the days seem to go faster when I am with you, huh Love?”

Tord nodded. He knew Tom was trying to distract his thoughts. His head slumped back down onto Tom's chest. Tom moved his hand up and started to rub the uniformed leaders back.
“Time flies with the love of your lifetime.” he murmurs.

Tom chuckled softly. He kissed Tords horned hair. Taking a inhale, he got a small scent of Tord's shampoo that he used. It made his heart skip a beat.
“Yes, you are correct honey.”

Tom continued to cuddle Tord. Occasionally kissing Tords neck. Tord let out small whines here and there, but Tom didn't take it farther.

“You're such a pretty boy.” Tom complimented. Tord lifted his head at that. He felt his face warm up.

“Liar, do not start lies with me you, antihero.”

Tom chuckled as he shakes his head. “Why would I lie to you if this nothing but the truth? Tord Larsin, you're so handsome in my eyes. I know, you can be a little hostile at times but I still love you. I hope you know that now.” he says as he pecked Tords lips.

Tords shoulders relaxed. He slowly nodded. “I was too blind to see how you truly felt. I hid this vulnerability from you. I usually hide it from everyone, yet.. when I am with you, I feel.. safe. I feel genuinely the most happiest man in the world. But, I've hurt you as well. I broke you, I abused you and manipulated your precious heart. Gaslighted you and made you go through so much trauma. So Thomas, why would you love such a horrible man like myself?” He asked the Brit. He had a very serious yet sad tone of his voice. His accent was heavy as he spoke.

Tom frowned and shakes his head. He pressed his lips softly onto Tords for a moment before pulling away. “Because I know it's not your fault. I can see the pain you're going through. I can see how much shit that has happened. Even before the robot incident, i-i saw your pain.”

Tord fell silent for a moment. Tom cursed in pain for a moment before shifting so he was laying on his back. He brought Tord up. Tord laid on his stomach on top of the taller Brit.

“But I understand that this isn't your fault. You've been through so much trauma in your lifetime as well. So I completely understand if you're personality is going to alter. Or your intrusive thoughts will get to you.” Tom replied as kissed Tords cheek.

Tord sighed. He used his robotic hand and started to draw little hearts into Tom's chest.

“I love you.”

“Jeg elsker deg, øsgå.”

Tom furrowed his eyebrows. Which caused a large smile to rise onto Tords face.

“It means I love you too.” Tord replied to answer the confusion that was on Toms face.

Oh, I see. Cute.”

“Hey Tommy?”

“Yes, Tord?”

“You truly forgive me, right?” Tord asked. He was still uncertain. Tom wrapped his arms around Tord and started to rub the norweigans back.

“Yes Tord, I forgive you.”

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