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(Here's some fluff.<3)

The two held each other for a moment. Their bodies felt relaxed as they had the window opened. The cold air blowing inside which caused Tord to have goosebumps.

Tom noticed and sat up. Tord watched as Tom got off the bed. “No, kjære, it's alright! Come here.”

“Nooo, I am going to get you my hoodie.” Tom replied and sticks his tongue out. Tord giggled as shrugged.

Tom went over to the closet and opened it. He grabbed out his blue hoodie and then walked back over to Tord.

“Here, hon.” He says as he tossed the hoodie to Tord. Tord blushed as he caught it with his hands. He slipped it on. It was still oversized on the small norweigan man.

“Thank you.”Tord spoke softly. Tom nodded in reply. He walked back over to the bed and laid on it. He brought Tord close to himself.

Tord sighed in relaxation. Tom tucked his head into Tords neck. He left little kisses on it which caused Tord to giggle.

“That tickles!”

“It does baby?” Tom purred into Tords ear.  Tord felt his cheeks turn rosy. He shyly nodded. Tom smirked and held onto Tords robotic hand.

“I-i do enjoy it though.”

“Great. I love seeing you happy.” Tom replied and looked at Tord with love. His digital eyes staring intensely at the smaller male.

Tord returned the gaze. He leaned in and kissed Tom's lips softly. Tom kissed back. Tord shifted and faced Tom as he continued to kiss Tom softly .

They continued to have a small gentle makeout session. Tord wrapped his arms around Tom's neck. Tom slowly pulled away. Tord panted lightly.

“Sorry if I got carried away.. you're just a good kisser.”

“You are too.” Tom replied as he cupped Tord's cheek. Tord leaned into the touch and purred.

Tom chuckled as his other hand rubbed Tords back.
Tords head slowly laid onto Tom's chest. Listening to the Brits heartbeat.

His eyelids started to close. Tom looked down and chuckled. “You tired commie?”

Tords eyes shot open. He quickly looked up at Tom.
His eyes widened.

“What?..” Tom mumbled.

“I haven't heard that in a very long time..I don't know how I feel about that.” Tord replied.

“Oh I'm sorry. I don't have to call you that anymore, especially since that's the nickname I gave you..”

“When you hated me.”

“..Right. I'm sorry. That was a mistake.”

“It's okay. I appreciate your apology.” Tord smiled. His tooth gap was showing as he grinned ear to ear.

Tom felt his stomach twist with butterflies. “God, you have the cutest smile.. don't you?”

“O-oh? No.. you're just saying that.” Tord spoke softly as his smile slowly faded.

“Honey no. I'm not. I really love your smile. It's the cutest thing I have ever seen.”

Tord squeaked. His face turning a bright red. “S-stop! You don't mean that..!”

“I do mean that.” Tom leaned in and pecked Tords lips. Tord kissed Tom back. His stomach was full of butterflies.

He slowly pulled away as he sighed. Looking at Tom lovingly. “Well thank you..” he mumbled against Tom's lips.

“Don't thank me, it is the truth after all.”

Tord couldn't help but smile. When he realized, he hid his face into Tom's chest.

Tom started to rub Tords back slowly. Both of his hands rubbing his back to sooth and relax his boyfriend.
“Hey Love?”

“Yes?” Tord lifted his head up and looked at Tom. Tom stopped his hand movements. But he kept his hands there. Holding onto Tord.

“You still have one more thing you have to do.”

Tord tilted his head. He raised an eyebrow. “What is it?”

Tom takes out his own phone. Tord furrowed his eyebrows and sat up. Tom sat up as well.

“You have to call Edd and Matt.”

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