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Tom watched Tord. He moved his hand up started to pet the norwegian's caramel colored locks.
“Less intimidating when you're sleeping.” He says softly with a chuckle.

Tord tossed and turned. He was starting to have an nightmare. Tom realized and retracted his hand away.

Tord sat up in a panic. His eyes scanning quickly to the side. Before landing on the Brits. A soft relaxed gaze came onto his face. “Are you feeling okay, Tord?” Tom asked.

“Yes, I'm okay now.” Tord replied. He sat up in the bed. The bed creaks for a moment. He tucked his knees up to his chest. His eyes remained looking at Tom.

Tom nodded a bit. He hesitantly moved his hand closer to Tords. Then, he grasped it gently. He held onto Tord's hand. “Something about you,”

“Something about me?”

“Yes. Something about you, makes me feel safe. I don't know why.” Tom spoke softly. He then got out of the bed.

Tord got out of the comfortable bed. He watched as Tom opened the curtains. A gentle smile showing on his face. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Tom's waist. Hugging the taller from behind.
“I'm cheerful that I have helped you feel safe. You're honestly, the most favorable of our old friends.”

“What?” Tom asked in shock. His digital eyes quickly darting over to look at Tord. Instead of the window he was previously looking at. Harsh rain continued to pour outside. It sounded gleeful.

“I may have shown you the amount of hatred, but my dear..I do not hate you. I only pretended too.” Tord explained sincerely.

“But, why would you do such a thing?”

“It's only me being a false witness. A liar. The villain. It was hysterical! So, comical and humourous to tease you.”

“Oh. I see.” Tom glanced at Red Leaders lips. Tord realized. His face tinted up with a high color of red.

“What's troubling you Thomas?”

“Nothing seems to be a problem at the moment.”

“I see.”

“But I do have one request.”

“An appeal?”

“Yes.” Tom replied. He leaned in a bit. Their faces inches close to each other.

“What is your invocation?”

“Please set Edd and Matt free.” Tom whispered against Tords lips.

Tord stared at Tom. He felt a sudden rush of anger. He shoved Tom back. “Why, why would I do such a thing?!”

“Please. I will stay here with you. They just want to go home.” Tom pleaded as he started to walk back over. Tord only sharply turned onto his heels.

“But, they are the rebellion. They will plan an attack against me.”

“I can tell them not too. I am a leader of the rebellion also, my dear friend.”

“Friend? I thought I wasn't your friend.”

“Well, things have changed previously since our last discussion.”

“I guess I can be tolerant, thoughtful, kindhearted about this discussion that we are having now in our present.”

“Please, Red Leader.” Tom says Tord's title. He walked over and faced Tord. He knelt down and held onto Tord's hands. “Listen to my solicitation. Let Edd and Matt go. Along with their pet Ringo. They just want to go home. They don't want to be involved with this mess.”

Tord pursed his lips as he looked down at the knelt down man. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought for a moment. Tom had a pleading look in his digital eyes. He was anticipating as he waited for Tords answer.

“Please.” Tom whispered.

“Yes.” Tord whispered. Tom rises to his feet. He felt untroubled now. He hugged the small leader. Tears of joy rolled down his face as the two swayed for a moment.

Thank you! Thank you!” Tom cried out as they slowly stopped swaying. The Brit placed his hand on Tords scarred cheek. His thumb lightly brushing against it. Feeling the scars.

“No Problem.” Tord whispered as he started to get flustered once more. Tom smiled.

“We will be setting them free, when?”

“After I wipe away their memories of their existence of being in my base.”

“What, What do you mean?”

“First, we will bring them back to London. Then I will use my memory erase gun, I will erase all what they remember seeing. Delete the London attack that I did a week ago from their minds. So that way...it'll be like nothing happened. They will only realize you have left.”

“But they'll be worried about me.”

“I know. Would you rather me remove their memories of them knowing who you are as a person?”


“It would be easier for them. Especially on the weight of pain in your chest. You will keep the memories of their existence there. But, they won't remember you. But be happy and free. Safely at their apartment homes.”

Tom furrowed his eyebrows in thought. But his thoughts were silenced by a cold robotic hand touching his shoulder.

“I will give you two days to think it over. I must know by midnight on the second day. Do you understand? If you do not have the comeback by then. They will be imprisonment for the rest of their lives, and eventually die in that rotten cell.”

Tom teared up underneath the goggles. He nodded. “I will think it over. So, you're saying their memories will be completely washed away? Their rebellion? Me as a person? It will be completely wiped out of their minds?” he asked. He wanted to make sure he got this all correct.

Tord nodded. “Yes. It will be easier for them. More to be of service to them. They will happily live there life. I already conquered London. The queen has gave up. Many British soldiers of their army and yours included have died.”


“Yes, accept the defeat. Your army is no longer.” Tord says to terrorize Tom.

Tom felt himself get chills as Tord leaned in. His arms wrapped around Tom's neck. He eyed the Brit with love.

“Now, you have two days to think that over. If you even think about trying to let them escape without my offering of doing this, a bullet will be in your skull. Do you understand me min kjærlighet?”

Tom gasped as he heard those threatening words. He was petrified. He nodded in a panic. “I w-won't plan anything of the sort..”

“Good. I do not want you too.” Tord spoke softly onto Tom's lips. Both of the males look at each other will love.

“Because you aren't the hero anymore.”

Villain - TomTord Where stories live. Discover now